News from Vienna 9

end of September 1995


Leaving Vienna

The 25th of July, Rainer (who is in the same ÖSM-team) and I left Vienna, heading with my car towards Germany. I had been looking for a third person who could come with us to Britain so that it would be cheaper. The only other thing that wasn’t arranged yet was where to stay the night in Germany. We knew we had to stop near Nürnberg. A short time before we left, I got a letter from the summer team leader in Britain telling me that there was a team member near Nürnberg who needed a lift. Wow !

So we arrived that night at Mark’s house where we spent the night. The next morning we left for Paris where we arrived in the evening at Colette’s house. I know Colette from my time in Paris and was happy to see her again. All three of us stayed there from Wednesday to Monday morning. I showed Rainer and Mark Paris and had the chance to meet some friends, as well as going to the French church I went to when I was in Paris and to the Anglican charismatic church I used to go to in the evening (which is very special to me).

Monday morning we headed up to Dover where we got on a ferry. Some time later we arrived in London / Harrow where we had the joy to stay with Louise’s (my ex-prayer partner) parents for three days while Louise was still in Austria. I showed Rainer and Mark some sights in London, as well as (not) seeing some friends.

IFES-Summer Team

Thursday afternoon, the 3rd of August, we arrived in Bournemouth. We immediately went to the beach and enjoyed the last hours rest before the outreach started in the evening.

We were 18 students from 11 different countries plus 3 English leaders. The first weekend was a training weekend where we got to know each other better and had some more or less helpful teaching. Monday morning we then started with the daily routine : 10 to 10:30 worship, 10:30 to 11:15 Bible exposition, coffee-break, 11:30 to 12:15 small groups for questions and prayer. Afterwards we immediately went out, taking quickly something to eat with us. We mainly went into town doing questionnaires (which I didn’t find too good) with international students and inviting them to the evening coffee-bar. We then met again for dinner which was cooked for us by different church-members. The outreach was supported financially and in prayer by around 15 churches in Bournemouth.

We then went to the coffee-bar to pray for the evening before it was opened. Some of us also went into town to do the questionnaire again. I personally liked most going to the pub where hundreds of students met. We went there as customers and just started talking to other students. I was surprised how open people were to talk about Christianity. We even went through an evangelistic leaflet (Bridge to Life) with people.

After the first week we had the Saturday off and all went to the New Forest (which was quite brown because of the drought). On Sunday we were sent to the different churches to witness about the outreach.

In the end of the second week, we had a barbecue for the international students in the New Forest. Meanwhile we had made friends with several students who came on a regular basis. The following day, we had a special service for the students, followed by lunch together, which marked the end of the outreach. That last weekend three people prayed a prayer of commitment together with team-members. It was wonderful to see how God had even provided for the follow-up in their countries !


There were a lot of Korean students in Bournemouth. I got to know Eun-Hee better during the last days. She had been in Bournemouth since the beginning of the year and had been doing regular Bible studies with the leader of our team. We had really good conversations and she is very close to a decision. She is even embarrassed to say she is not a Christian and says that she wants to be a Christian. Meanwhile she has returned to Korea but I’m in contact with her. We really became friends in the end. Please pray that she would find Christian friends and a church where she can feel at home so that she’ll be able to make a decision soon.


Rainer is a real evangelist ! We also used to have sports afternoons. When there weren’t any students, Rainer just started walking around the park and speaking to people. That way he met Viola from Hungary. After having talked to her, he prayed for her. (Remember News from Vienna 8 where I wrote about this fantastic revelation about the power of praying for non-Christians after having talked to them.) She then came to the coffee-bar where I got to know her. After the mission was over, we went to the beach together where I had the possibility to talk with her quite a lot. I told her my story and the wonderful things Jesus has done in my life. Then I asked her whether I could pray for her. She said, “Here, on the beach ?“ She couldn’t imagine at all that you could speak to God outside the church, having grown up in a catholic surrounding in Hungary. After having prayed for her, her first comment was, “Could you have continued speaking like that on and on ?“

Viola is very open and interested. She had been given Luke’s gospel but it was “too boring“. So I gave her John’s gospel, assuring her that it won’t be boring. She has a lot of questions and is hungry for answers. Very early I was already alarmed by different comments and behaviour patterns which made it clear that she must have some similar dark past like I have. E.g. she says that she runs away from her father but she hasn’t opened up more yet.

Now the good news : Viola studies in Vienna. I asked her whether she would like to meet regularly to read the Bible together and she agreed. She liked the Christian songs we sang in England very much and was even looking forward to come to VCC ! I met her “by chance“ at university shortly after my return and she told me that she had been to a Baptist church in her home town - on her own !

The following Sunday she came to VCC. Even before the service she said to me that the atmosphere was so good. The message then was very appropriate (about God’s heart) and even touched me deeply. She then left quite quickly after the service. She said she wouldn’t be able to come the following Sunday but the one after. Please pray for our Bible study and that she’ll soon make a decision.


Personally were those two weeks a terribly hard time. If you remember News from Vienna 8, you will remember that the end of June / beginning July were already quite hard for me. Things got better the week before I left for England, when I had the possibility to join the Viennese summer-team from time to time. That’s always the case when I witness and “seek first the kingdom of God“. All the other things seem to be unimportant then.

So I was really looking forward to the summer team and couldn’t await telling people about Jesus, especially with my new “technique“ of praying for people.

The first weekend of the outreach was great. I was excited and eager to go out on the streets. I enjoyed being so close to God and didn’t want to live differently again.

What are You doing, Lord?!?

But I haven’t told you yet why I felt so especially close to the Lord.

I was so happy when I realized that all the girls would sleep in the church I considered my church in Bournemouth (Winton Community Church). Every night during the mission I played the piano as long as possible (up to Midnight) and then enjoyed having my time with the Lord while everybody went to bed, singing and talking to Him in this big church hall, with the doors shut of course.

It was the second night in Bournemouth when I again went into the hall and started praising the Lord and singing to Him. I was so full of love for Him and thanksgiving! After a short time, I suddenly fell forward to the floor. What was happening? I hadn’t really fallen under God’s power yet being with Him alone. So I lied there wondering and enjoying God’s presence, waiting what would happen. Suddenly God just poured out His Spirit on me in an absolutely amazing way! Wave after wave of His love came on me, even increasing till I nearly had to say, stop, it’s too much! And then I started to sing in tongues in a way I had never before! It was so beautiful and God was so close! I didn’t want to stop at all! When I finally got up and went to bed, about one and a half hours had passed.

Later I saw that God being so gracious to me that night was Him equipping me so that I would be able to survive the following weeks.


Monday came and we prepared to go to the language schools to hand out invitations. I wanted to take some gospels and tracts with me, but it was impossible to find any. I felt terribly uncomfortable with going without any but what choice did I have ?

On the opposite side of the language school, there was a girl sitting on the pavement, not doing anything. I went over to her and invited her to the coffee-bar. I didn’t usually do that but I asked her name and where she came from. She was Anna from Germany. As she didn’t seem to want to talk, I went on. Having left her, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to go back and talk to her. As I continued walking I asked the Lord why and whether He wanted to tell me anything about her. I sat down and prayed a little bit, listening to God, but didn’t get more information. So I obeyed and went back to her. I sat down at her side and said, “Have you read the invitation I gave you before ? I am a Christian and I believe God wants me to speak to you. Can I help you in any way ?“ She shook her head. I then asked her what she understood by Christian, getting the typical answer. So I told her what it meant for me, giving her my testimony about how Jesus had turned my darkness into light. All the time, I could really see the Holy Spirit giving me the words to say, as I shared from the depths of my heart. After having finished, she briefly told me her story :

She was born in Brazil. When her father died, she returned with her mother and brother to Germany to live with her uncle. This uncle was beating her with his belt. After some time (how long ?) they left this uncle. Then the mother couldn’t afford having two children any more and gave them away. Her foster parents weren’t very good to her either, claiming to be Christians.

I then told her that Jesus could heal her from those things etc. and encouraged her to read a gospel. Can you imagine how I felt now, having no gospel or tract with me ? I then asked her whether I could pray for her. So I did. All the time she had hardly spoken anything and at that point, she was obviously touched. I wondered what I should say or do next when the guy she was waiting for arrived. So I just reminded her that it was God who wanted me to speak to her and said that she should never forget that but react.
When I had left her, I was deeply moved. Isn’t it amazing how God brings me together with hurt people who have similar pasts again and again ? I had to sit down as quickly as possible. I could have cried for this hurt little girl, for all the pain she had suffered and the darkness and despair she was still living in. During the following two weeks I prayed a lot for her, but she never came. I’m still praying for her as God has laid her on my heart.

Satan Reacts

The following day, before the coffee-bar, I dropped Rainer at his appointment. On the way to England we had talked a lot and I realized that he needed help. So I managed to arrange this appointment with one of the church leaders of “my“church as he acknowledged his need of help. I had two other team members in my car who didn’t know what was going on. They started making jokes and suddenly I became really angry because it was so serious and replied to the girl ( I can’t remember what she had said), “You don’t know what it’s like to want to die day by day !“ She was stunned. The immediate response I heard in my head was, “You do want to die, Claudia.“ I replied, “No, I don’t!“ I was shocked about this thought although it was obvious where it came from.

This was the beginning of my going downhill. Day by day new things from my past were being brought up to the surface and I tried to stand firm in the truth against all those lies. Now, I was already quite tired at that time, from the work of the whole year and really needed a holiday. I was also tired of struggling and fighting all the time because of my past, especially after those hard weeks end June / beginning July. So day by day I felt like being on the losing side when Satan attacked me with all those things. He tried to paralyze me and that’s exactly what he achieved. Going out into the streets became suddenly a struggle and I was hardly able to witness in any way.


On Thursday then, I was put together with a team member (let’s call him S. - in case he wouldn’t like to be mentioned) to go to town with the questionnaire. I had already heard before in which way God had been using him to pray for people and somehow God was leading our conversation in that way that he offered to pray for me some time. Before going back to church, he said he would just pray for me shortly. So we stood on the pavement in front of the car, when I suddenly went down under God’s power without having expected it at all. So sat down on a small wall and he started to minister to me. It was amazing how God used him; he went right to the root of certain things which really helped me. After some time we went back to church. It wasn’t really very private there on the pavement.

The Second Week

After that time of praying the accusations even got worse. I was reading a book which was really helpful, with a lot of testimonies (Neil T. Anderson, Released from Bondage). As I got to know my problems more clearly, I was getting more and more discouraged. God was also showing me things from my past I had already forgotten. So I started looking more at my problems than at the God who delivers and sets free. There were times when I was in total despair, crying out to God to help me. The strange thing was that all the time I enjoyed having my quiet time in the morning as well as in the evening - and even managed to have them nearly daily.

All the time, nobody ever asked me whether I was okay. I missed the personal level in our small groups, where we prayed for people we met, as we didn’t talk about the way we felt. I would have liked to share with somebody but only felt alone.

It was then Thursday / Friday when my darkness and struggle were somehow overcome and I returned to my “real self“. Thursday night I got to know one of the team members more closely and we really became friends. It was then when I was able for the first time to share the way felt and it helped so much to pray for each other ! Probably that’s the reason why I recovered the next day.

Winton Community Church

That’s the church I consider my church in Bournemouth and where the girls were sleeping. I’ve never seen a church like this one, with so much love and concern for each other!

The first Sunday in Bournemouth I was “accidentally“ sent to this church to testify about the mission. (And I rejoiced!) The same night I had the possibility to go to the evening service which is freer than the morning one. This service was a commissioning service so that there was no ministry time afterwards.

The following Sunday, they had an open air service in the morning (where I couldn’t go) and therefore no evening service. So it was the last Sunday of the mission, when they had ministry time after the service for the first time. I was looking forward to being prayed for after those terrible weeks.

We had a great service and then I went to be prayed for by somebody I appreciate a lot. Lying on the floor, a time of accusation began - like so often. One lie after the other came up and every time I spoke the truth against it. After some time of having been bombarded, this tiredness came again. I was tired of fighting and just couldn’t any more. So I let go in the end. People came again to pray for me but it didn’t help. The last lie (like so often) was, “You’ll never be free.“ I knew that was lie and tried not to agree. Meanwhile the congregation had left and the rest of the team just didn’t care. So I felt very lonely and went to a lonely place to cry and cry out to God. After some time I made the decision that I didn’t want Satan to defeat me and went to phone S. who encouraged me and prayed for me on the telephone. Afterwards I felt a bit better and went to bed. It was a shame that as a result, I couldn’t say good-bye the way I wanted as it was the last night to see most people of the team.

Three weeks later, the last Sunday in England, I went to my church again and enjoyed the service so much. My heart was aching a lot that night as I had to say good-bye to my friends and to the church I like best. That night, there was a wonderfully peaceful ministry time again and God just filled me afresh with His Spirit, strengthening me to come back to Austria.

Five Days Off!!!

After the mission, I moved to David’s and Catia’s house who are good friends of mine in Bournemouth (who also go to my church). After that Sunday night the day before, when I was in total despair, I was very sensitive again and aware that I needed to act in order to be set free. During those days I finished reading Released from Bondage and God continued to speak to me and reveal things from my past. I had never known myself that well as at that time! I knew exactly what I needed to do and where my problems came from. There was especially one thing I had never told anybody before and I felt the urge to get rid of it, being ready to tell somebody for the first time. So I tried to meet up with the pastor’s wife I had already had an appointment with in February. But it didn’t work out.

I was also very grateful for Catia’s and David’s support.


During the mission, I learned that two team members were going to a conference as volunteer workers. It sounded really interesting and so I thought of going there. Seeing the price, I considered it impossible.

I had wanted to meet some friends after the mission, and phoning up one of them, I realized that he lived just six miles from where the conference took place! I was then invited to stay with him and his family for the whole conference! I couldn’t believe that! I stood in awe before the Lord.

Contemplating my situation, the point I was at personally, and looking back to former experiences, I knew that the conference was the answer to my prayers. I gladly applied and set off with one of the two team members to go to Ashburnham Place (a well-known Christian conference and prayer centre) on Saturday morning (26th of August). It wasn’t too far away, in the East Sussex, south of London.

Peggy - Eleven Years Later

The first time I went to England consciously (I had also been there in my mother’s womb and as a child), I was eleven years old and had just finished my first year of English. I went to do a language course in Seaford, for one month. During this month, I spent most of the time at the neighbour’s house where an elderly English lady was living with her cats (as I love cats very much). Since then I have been in contact with her. I had written her after my conversion but she hadn’t really reacted to it.

Now I was passing very near and decided to see whether she was there. And she was. As she opened the door, I said, “Hello! Do you recognize me?“ She said, “I know you.“ Then I told her who I was. She was quite surprised to see me and invited us in. Her son was there at that moment and we started a conversation. Her son was speaking most of the time, talking all the time about Eastern religions, esoteric, astrology and so on. He said e.g. that just two days before they had talked about me and that it was telepathy that I was there then.

But his talking opened up an opportunity to share the gospel with them. I told him that I didn’t agree because I was a Christian. The first reaction was, “so am I“. We then were able to clearly communicate the gospel to them before we had to continue our journey.

Peggy is meanwhile quite an old lady who can only read with problems. So I am just about to send her a very good, clear teaching tape. Please pray that she won’t die without Jesus.

ICHTHUS Revival Camp

So we arrived late in the afternoon of the 26th of August at my friend’s Sam house. Unfortunately we didn’t have too much time to talk during the week, but at least we had some time.

That night started the conference already. The topic of the week was The Spirit and Power of Elijah. The conference was organized by ICHTHUS Christian Fellowship, a charismatic denomination in England. The only speaker I knew was Graham Kendrick. He was leading worship some times and held seminars, as well as presenting his new songs. Other speakers were Roger Forster, Roger Mitchell, Che Ahn, Jean Darnell, etc..

The day started with a prayer meeting for the nations at 7 am, followed by Stretch and Worship at 7:30. I had made up my mind to be there at 7 every day, but only managed the first day. So I had my quiet time from 8/8:30 to 9:30 in the lovely prayer centre, while the others had their breakfast. At 9:30 the worship time began, followed by the school of prayer, before the seminar. After the seminar that ended at 1 pm, I had the whole afternoon off before the evening celebration at 7:30. From 4 to 6 (when dinner started), there were workshops but the only interested one was on Tuesday (note that - it’s important later!) when Graham Kendrick spoke on Songwriting. I didn’t get any food there so I just bought a sandwich or so for dinner and lunch.

As I said before, the topic of the week was Elijah. All the evening talks were based on 2 Kings, and also the seminars were based on Elijah. I went to Hearing and Releasing the Prophetic, Prophetic Evangelism (twice with different speakers) and Coping with Spiritual and Emotional Pressure. My favourite speaker was Che Ahn, an Asian American from Los Angeles. His talks were so encouraging and motivating - and he had great testimonies. After the conference I really was on fire and just wanted to go back to evangelize.

What I didn’t like that much was the worship. They hardly sang any other songs than fast ones where they could dance to. I missed the slow worship songs where you can just adore God and enjoy His presence.

Besides, there were around 1500 people there, all from the different Ichthus-congregations. Sometimes I felt a bit excluded. The two volunteers I knew from Bournemouth, were busy all the time and so I had to be on my own.

- And Spiritually?

The first thing I did, was to apply for the ministry time and counselling they offered Monday to Friday from 4 to 6 pm, at the same time as the workshops. I knew God had brought me to that conference to do something significant and that was the only thing I knew to do. They wanted to know, which day I was unable to come, so I put Tuesday. You’ll see later how humorous God is!

So the first day, Monday afternoon, I got my appointment. They had scheduled 45 minutes per person. I was looking forward to that session, putting quite a lot of hope into it. I knew I was ready to tell what I hadn’t told anyone before, relying on the verse in James 5:6. So I told those two ladies my story and problems (but not this one thing), then they gave me some verses, prayed shortly for me, and sent me off even before the time was over. You can imagine that that didn’t help me very much. How often had I have “help“ like that! As I went off, I was a bit disappointed. I then said to God that I didn’t know what to do any more as I was at the end of my wisdom but that I trusted Him as He knew how much I needed help.

An Angel?

The following day, Tuesday, I decided to have something warm for lunch. So I got some chicken & chips and looked around for somewhere to sit. I saw a lady sitting on her own and joined her. Soon we were engaged in a conversation, talking about her family and my family. She even prayed for my family and by doing that, she gave me so much hope for them as I had never had before. She also told me different stories where God had used her. Walking back to car park together, I was getting more and more down hearing all those stories. I felt a stirring deep down in my spirit that I would like her to pray for me but didn’t have the courage to ask her. Arriving at the car park, it was her offering to pray for me as I had mentioned that I still had problems. She just said, “My time is the Lord’s.“

I tell you - I have never met somebody like this English lady called Ann! She is a real prayer warrior, coming to the prayer centre day by day, being so close to God’s heart that it’s nearly frightening.

So we then went to the prayer centre together to find an empty room, but we didn’t. We then went to the main building where we were allowed to use a room as long as no-one needed it.

We then went right into prayer - and what a difference it was to the day before! Quite in the beginning, Ann became a picture of me sitting at my grandparent’s house at their table with them, at the age of 4, and crying for my mother. As she said that, I was really touched. I felt as if I had that age again and nearly started crying for my mother. I suddenly got such a longing for my mother to be close to me.

Some time later, I knew the time had come to tell what I hadn’t told anybody before. It was a real struggle and when I had said the first sentence in that direction, Ann came half-way, already knowing what I wanted to say, “God has told me.“. I was surprised and relieved. As Ann then started to pray into that situation, we were interrupted at the most crucial moment and had to leave the room. I was disappointed. We then had a cup of tea before we went to the prayer centre where Ann was supposed to have her daily prayer meeting. She invited me to join them and so I did.

She set up around ten chairs but only her closest friend and prayer partner came. So most of the prayer meeting ended up being ministry for me again.

Hours of Prayer

What else did God do?

He reminded me - and them - again and again of things in my past I had already forgotten. One of those was that my mother used to punish me by not talking with me. I then used to implore her but she wouldn’t talk to me for days. That also was my “system of punishment“ before I was a Christian.

One other thing I realised was my incapability to trust others. While praying I even had problems to trust Jesus completely.

The second crucial thing, where we were interrupted again, is still troubling me. Please pray that I will be set free from a pressure on my breast and on the inside of my wrists. It got worse in England; sometimes I even have to put down my hands in worship (as that’s when it appears mainly).

There were several other things we talked and prayed through, with God constantly speaking to us.

In the end, the other lady was told to anoint me for intercession. I was really happy about that as God has already used me in this area and as it was already on my heart.

Tuesday Night

That night after the evening session, God gave me incredible peace as I was lying on the floor. It wasn’t but weeks later when I realised the many things God had done during the conference.

During the rest of the week, I hoped all the time for another opportunity to meet with Ann to resolve my two problems left but it wasn’t meant.

Wednesday 30th

That night God gave me a wonderful picture. There was no talk but a celebration. Coming to the main marquee, they asked us to walk around the tent seven times and to make the most noise possible the seventh time. “Oh no“, was my first thought, “some crazy thing again.“ But as everybody did it (except the late-comers who just watched us), I joined in reluctantly. After some time, God gave me the following parable: Walking is like praying (interceding). You pray again and again, step by step, having the goal in mind, being sure of the victory in the end, that you will arrive. Then I got tired after some time. Even when you get tired and think of giving up, just persevere and go on. Then I saw somebody with a stick walking before me. Every time the stick touches the ground, the earth is loosened. As he walks round the tent again and again, the earth is getting better and better. Then the seed can bring fruit.

Thursday 31st

Thursday morning I woke up having caught the flu. In the evening, my whole body was aching so that I couldn’t move at all.

Although I felt quite bad physically that day, God spoke to me three times very clearly:

1. When I had my quiet time that morning, God reminded me of my father’s parents (his mother and step-father) who live in England. My mother had given me their address in Vienna because I wanted to contact them and possibly see them. My father hasn’t seen his mother since he was 14 (30 years ago) and it’s very much on my heart to bring them together as well.

So I remembered that and phoned my mother who gave me their address again. Unfortunately they haven’t got a telephone, so I just wrote to them telling them my telephone number in Bournemouth but they didn’t ring. I had intended to go and see them in any case but God didn’t give me freedom to do so when I had the possibility.

2. Coming from the seminar at 1 pm, I just walked towards the prayer centre, as I desired to continue reading God’s Word. So I found a free prayer room and just wanted to open with a few words of prayer. But unexpectedly, I went right into intercession, praying for different people. Suddenly, conviction hit me. The Holy Spirit showed me how cruel I had been to my brother all my life before I became a Christian. I sat there feeling all the pain my brother must have felt, and feeling terrible about my own cruelty. I asked God for forgiveness for everything and wished my brother to be there. Then I got this “idea“ of writing to my brother and asking him for forgiveness. As I did that, even more tears were flowing and I knew God’s anointing on me. After having written the letter, I got total peace. I posted the letter the next day and expected my brother to get it the following Tuesday. So that Tuesday, I fasted although I was still ill, hoping God to use the letter powerfully.

3. Later in the afternoon, I met Ann a second time. I joined their prayer meeting again (this time there were two more people). Afterwards, I wanted to talk to her but she was too busy. When I realised that, I got discouraged - when God suddenly spoke to me very clearly: Take heart, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) This verse encouraged me very much, all the following days through.

Friday 1st

That morning I went to the seminar Hearing and Releasing the Prophetic by Graham Kendrick. In the end we got together in groups; we were 7 people. First we had to pray for the person on our right, then the one on our left, and then we had to listen to God whether he told us anything about anybody, which had to be spoken out to be tested.

When the first person had passed on a verse, the girl on my right suddenly said the following to me: God wants you to know His love deep in your heart so that you lead a holy life out of this love and not out of duty or because He could be angry. You can’t imagine how much that touched me ! It had been a prayer for long that I would know God’s love deep in my heart. I couldn’t believe God would give anybody a word for me ! I believe if she had prayed this word over me, that could have been quite a breakthrough. When I asked her afterwards to tell me again what she had got, she started crying.


The following morning (still being ill) I left to go to the NW of London, to High Wycombe, where the Wycliffe-centre is located. They had an open day and celebrated the finished translation of the 400th new testament. There were several seminars and possibilities which I enjoyed although I hardly heard any new things. I took the opportunity to have an interview concerning next summer when I intend to go to Africa with Wycliffe, as a guest helper on a mission-base for around two months. The application won’t be proceeded before January; then they’ll tell me where they would need me.

As I’ll have to finance this short-term mission myself, I want to ask you already now to pray whether God wants you to support me in some way. Thanks!

Generally, I had a nice day there, being where I’ll be in some years’ time (for my linguistic training) and meeting “colleagues“.


The same night I went back to London and stayed two nights with Louise. That night I already felt terrible - caused by the flu and lack of sleep.

The following morning, I went to a Salvation Army church for the first time (where Louise’s parents are ministers). It was an interesting experience.

In the evening, I finally went to the church I had heard so much of : Holy Trinity Brompton (where the renewal started in Britain). It was a “normal“ service.

As I hadn’t seen that it’s not allowed to take pictures there, here it is:


The following morning I went up to Loughborough (still being ill) where Nathan had been at that time. We spent the whole day discussing and having fellowship before I returned to London the following morning. It was great to see him again (he had been in Bournemouth the year before).


I then passed at Louise’s house again to say good-bye “forever“. It was quite hard to leave. Additionally, I really felt bad physically so that I nearly stayed. But I was looking forward to meeting Phil again (whom I know from a summer-team in Vienna). So I left and it took me three hours to get from the NW of London to the South, as I crossed London without having a map. I arrived totally exhausted but still, we had a great evening and next day. It’s so good to meet friends!

Back to Bournemouth

That day (Wednesday 6th) I then left Phil in the afternoon to return to Bournemouth where I arrived two hours later.

I had one more week left before returning to Austria. David & Catia were on their holiday and so, I was all alone in the big house. But I enjoyed it. I was able to recover from my flu, and was working all day on my notebook while getting to know English television.

Unfortunately, I didn’t meet too many people any more.

Leaving Bournemouth

It was terribly hard to leave Bournemouth. At least there weren’t any people to say good-bye to, but my heart was still hurting as I was driving towards London. I was thinking of all the wonderful things I had experienced in that special place and really getting sad. Suddenly I saw that wonderful rainbow from one side of the motorway to the other, and I thanked God for comforting me, reminding me that he was with me.

Angie & Caroline

Some time before my departure, Angie (who had been in the IFES-team in Vienna last year and who is in the team this year) told me that the third girl who was supposed to come with us, wouldn’t come. That was a shock ! How should we find a third person so quickly? Nothing is impossible for God : He brought Angie together with Caroline who was going to study in Vienna for one year and who could postpone her ticket for Christmas.

I arrived at Angie’s house that night and the following morning, the three of us left to go to Austria. We took the ferry from Dover to Calais again and drove through Belgium to Mannheim/Germany where we intended to spend the night with a friend. Arriving there, we had problems to find the right place, so that it was 10 pm when we arrived (13 hours after our departure). As it had rained most of the time, I was quite exhausted.

Back in Vienna

The following morning we left to do the rest of the journey. Arriving in Vienna in the evening, I was totally exhausted so that my parents (who had had my keys) even sent me home. I had driven 1300 km during those two days.

I had left Bournemouth behind me and was looking forward to the time to come. God had given me new visions and fire to serve Him.


Life is characterised by changes and after the first year of my News from Vienna, they have changed their outfit. I realised that I couldn’t expect of you any more to read a letter with that length without any interruptions. So the logical conclusion was to change them in the way you now see in front of you. I hope and trust that it will be easier now - and more fun - to read my news, especially for those whose mother tongue isn’t English. Please let me know your opinion about the new layout.

Barometer of Feelings

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-I

I feel absolutely great at the moment ! I’ve never been that close to the Lord and enjoyed to be with him that much. I even manage to get up after 5 to 6 hours as I long to be with my Daddy. Then, after one hour, I’m sad again because it’s already that late. I try to spend one and a half hour with the Lord in the morning.

One thing troubling me is the lack of sleep. I hope to get used to it.

Now, what’s the reason I put a :-I if life is so great ? The reason is that I desperately need a prayer partner and close friend. I need to share my needs and joys with somebody, having somebody who is committed to me. I sometimes feel very alone and when I have a problem, I don’t know whom to go to.


Before I became a Christian, astronomy and the observatory were one of the two most important things in my life. I even became part of the leading committee after my conversion but had lost my commitment to the observatory. I had a lot of troubles knowing my place at the observatory and left the leading committee in March.

Now, I’ve found peace concerning my place there for the first time. I’m an assistant at the tours, spending around three evenings a month (or more) there. I enjoy it and will even get a contract soon so that I’ll make a little money with it as well.

I haven’t managed to get in contact with the other most important thing in my life then yet: ballroom dancing.

Who are you ?

I want to introduce to you the people who receive my News from Vienna. Today I present you :

Dieter & Sandra Tschitschko

Dieter and Sandra are very special to me. Dieter was at the camp where I became a Christian and I got to know him right afterwards. I was impressed by the way he lived with Jesus so that he became an example for me. He was also the one I prayed my first prayer with aloud. That was two weeks after my conversion when I went out into the streets with an evangelistic questionnaire for the first time.

Shortly after having met Dieter, I got to know Sandra who became a dear friend in the short time in Vienna (as I then went to Paris). Last June they married in Vienna and came back to live here again. I’m glad to have them as friends - and now, there will be three of them soon !

Questions I’m Asked

How much time and money do you spend writing your News from Vienna ?

Too much ! Writing and printing one copy takes about 10 hours (it usually takes two nights to write it), then photocopying another hour, then writing the addresses on the envelopes, some personal words, putting it into the envelope - about 5 more hours or more. Then going to the post office e.g. between lectures.

Especially the financial side is becoming a problem. One copy costs altogether about 21 ATS / 2 $ / 1,3£ / 3 DM, and more than 70 people now receive it regularly. About 6 ATS costs the copy (depending on the number of pages), then about 1 ATS the envelope and 14 ATS for the stamp.

If you have any questions others might be interested in, let me know.


My main concern at the moment is that my father gets a job. 75% of the money I get comes from him. He told me in July that if he won’t find a job very soon, he wouldn’t be able to pay that money any more. I wouldn’t know what to do then, as more than 50% of that money already leaves my bank account automatically.

In August I had to give up double-tithing for the first time - reluctantly. I know, it seems that I write that every time, but my situation hasn’t been that serious before. The summer cost me more than I had expected and I had lost oversight over my finances for some time. As a result, I go everywhere by foot at the moment (public transport is expensive, as well as petrol - in October I can use the public transport freely again) and live of bread and margarine (which is not that bad). At the same time I see God providing for me in various ways, surprising me again and again.

At the moment I am considering working beside university for a month, in November. I would work every second night, from 6 pm to 5 am, at the post, sorting letters or similar things. This would mean a really hard month with all my other activities but the money would be very helpful. Please pray that I’ll make the right decision. I have to decide as soon as possible.

Today I had my first two hours of tutoring again which I enjoyed very much. I hope I will have at least my four hours a week again.

In October I hope to start double-tithing again. It’s definitely more blessing to give than to receive. I thank God for the lessons I learn in the financial area at the moment : e.g. trusting Him in all circumstances of life.

Great Books !

I read about three books a month and most of them are really good. So I’d really like to share with you the best. A really good and challenging book I’ve read within 4 days is

The Anointing by Benny Hinn

The author wrote the book with the purpose to bring other Christians into a more intimate relationship with God. He quotes many Scriptures and shares from his personal experiences, as well as giving helpful advices of how to have closer communion with God, living in His presence and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit constantly. Reading it created a deeper desire within me to know God more intimately and to move in His power, being used by Him. A great book for those, who want more of God and who are open to His supernatural works.

Prayer Partner

Last semester, God had led me to ask the new IFES-team member Louise (from England), whom I hardly knew, to be my prayer partner. And she was such a blessing to me ! I really thank God for the few months we had together as she has already returned to Britain. If you don’t have a prayer partner, I really encourage you to look for one. It’s very special and very encouraging and helpful.

Of course I knew that Louise would leave a few months later and that I would have to find a new partner again. Please pray that I’ll quickly find somebody I can meet with on a regular basis. I already miss having a prayer partner quite a lot. Although I have so many friends in Vienna, I have no close friends. They seem to regularly leave me. Besides, my best friends are all in Britain.


Alex came to VCC in April where I got to know him. As he is a student, he then started coming to the ÖSM-evenings regularly. He has heard the gospel very clearly but says that it’s not the way for him. Alex is living in total darkness and despair, being abused by his father all the time. When I gave him my testimony, he accepted it, still refusing seeing Jesus as his solution. The situation got complicated when he told me in May that he had romantic feelings for me, letting me know again and again. I’m glad that he now has another friend from the church and that God is obviously at work in his life more intensively at the moment. Please pray for his salvation.


We came back from England Thursday the 14th of September, hoping that the semester-programs would be printed and ready to be handed out. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case but we managed to have them the following Tuesday when we started to hand them out before the main university. Those two last weeks of September, I was quite busy for the ÖSM.

The last weekend in September, we had the planning weekend for this semester. We were about 25 people (which was already very encouraging) and had a nice weekend together.

This was also an opportunity for many people to get to know our new “leaders“ Bob & Sue Dawson. I had had the privilege to already meet them in England and before the weekend. It’s not so easy to take over the work and I did (and do) my best to help them. Although I miss Fred Bailey & his family quite a lot sometimes, I also appreciate Bob & his family very much. Still, some (many) things have changed.

But some are quite encouraging. In our team, there are three new workers, three students came back to work with the ÖSM and there are around five or more other people who are interested in the work ! Isn’t that amazing ? Last semester we were three people at the prayer breakfasts and this year, we have already 10 people on the list of workers. Please pray for those who are uncertain concerning their role in the ÖSM.

I myself had a lot of questions about my role in the ÖSM after having finished the last semester being quite discouraged. Somehow God never really answered my questions, but I now see my role clearly again. All the problems and difficulties are still there, but I can see God answering “old“ prayers concerning the ÖSM and so I’ll persevere.

Another thing is that I consider starting an evangelistic Bible study. Please pray for wisdom for this decision.

Miracles Happen

The last weeks in England and coming back, I always had problems with my car when starting the engine.

The last day of the ÖSM-planning-weekend, I intended to bring Bob Dawson & his family to the station as they had to leave earlier. Starting the car, the engine went off again (it was quite cold). I tried again and again, and again and again we would move on half a meter before it went off again. So we moved very slowly towards the station, fearing that they would miss their train. Finally being near, the car didn’t make the steep hill any more and I had to leave it there, bringing Bob & his family to the station by foot.

Walking back to the car, I was worried. How should I finance the repair ? So I got into my car and started to pray from the depths of my heart, words that were definitely Spirit-led. I prayed that God would restore His car so that He could continue to use it and as He knew my financial situation. After the prayer, I turned the key, and it started. I went up the hill, turned, and drove back to the house. I haven’t had any problems since then.

Listening to God's Voice

It’s absolutely crucial when you go on the streets or into halls of residence to listen to God’s voice. It’s difficult to explain what it’s like when God is telling you to do something. It’s a question of experience to recognise His voice. The more often He will speak to you, the more easily you will do so.

Some things I’ve learned :

1. I have a close and undisturbed relationship with the Lord and desire to proclaim the gospel and see people saved.

2. I feel a nudge deep in my spirit to do a certain thing and won’t get peace before doing it. Sometimes it’s absolutely impossible not to obey. On the other hand, I have already disobeyed God which is the most terrible thing to do as you grieve the Holy Spirit. You always regret it afterwards. But why shouldn’t you obey ? Because :

3. It’s mostly something you need courage for, where you need to step out in faith and trust God.

4. After having done God’s will, you will on one hand see the fruit of your obedience in your surrounding and on the other hand be drawn closer to God yourself.

Recently I heard a man of God say that God will speak more readily when you are out in the world proclaiming His kingdom than in church and that’s also reflecting my experience.

When you are lonely,

I wish you love.

When you're down,

I wish you joy.

When you're troubled,

I wish you peace.

When things are complicated,

I wish you simple beauty.

When things are chaotic,

I wish you inner silence.

When things look empty,

I wish you hope.

Author unkown

My Heart's Desire

My heart’s desire is to be used by the Lord that other’s would get to know him and to see signs and wonders following as I witness.

My Biography

Maybe you remember that I intended to start writing my biography during the three weeks that followed the mission. God had clearly given me the task to do so but it then seemed as if the right time hadn’t come yet. All I did was starting to go through my diaries and typing everything useful into my computer but I didn’t get very far. God will show me the right time.

My Mother

I already mentioned the way God changed this relationship on my side. For the first time since my conversion, I miss my mother and long to be with her. I’m hurt by the missing communication between us.

On the other hand, I can see the change. As there is so much love from me when I’m with her (I’m not defensive any more as I used to be), she is responding to that. I’ve sent her nice cards, given her flowers etc. and try to do nice things as often as possible.

When Heinzi starts with the “forbidden“ topic again (anything that is Christian), she always tries to stop it as she doesn’t want to hear anything.

Still, recently she said a sentence I found significant: My brother was complaining all the time about the food until I said to him, “Have you realised that you’re complaining all the time ?“ My mothers immediate response was, “You used to be like that as well.“ For the first time she acknowledged that I’ve changed positively.

Please pray that an opportunity would open up to meet (just the two of us) and talk, as we never do that.

My Mother's Boy-friend Heinzi

I’m surprised that it’s always him who starts asking questions related to my faith although he is a convinced atheist. Meanwhile, our relationship is characterised by love as well. Still, every time I’m going to my parent’s house, I have to put myself under the blood of Christ and His protection consciously. Recently, I forgot to do that as I didn’t suppose my parents to be there. Unfortunately, Heinzi came - and exploded in his very typical way. I was alone with him so that my mother couldn’t intervene. I went into my room where I started praying. For the first time in my life, I felt holy anger coming up inside me. I wanted to tell him that he had no right at all to say all these things to me. I just whispered that in my room but didn’t have the courage to tell him face to face. So I prayed in my room, for protection till I got out of the flat, and left as quickly as possible. Getting out of there, I had a kind of break-down, crying and being shattered in my inmost being. He is the only one having so much power over me and being able to hurt me with one word.

On the other hand, I could see the progress in my reaction compared with the time before. As God is healing me step by step, I can handle those situations better and better. I’m looking forward to the day when I’ll be able to confront Heinzi the way I should.

My Father

All the time in England I was looking forward to the wedding of my father with his fiancée Irvana from Prague. My father had said that they would wait until I’d be back. I was wondering what it would be like to be in the same place with my father and his parents for the first time. I came back Thursday night. The following Sunday I rang my father, as he had never written or phoned during the summer. He then told me that they had married the Friday before - the day after my return. I was really disappointed to hear that. He didn’t make the effort to write me some lines to tell me, at least. He doesn’t like writing or phoning. He then told me that he’d come to Vienna the following day for an interview (he’s unemployed at the moment). I immediately asked whether we could see each other for a moment, but he denied. He then said he would come to Vienna again by the end of the week and phone me before. He didn’t.

After this short phone call, I really had to cling to my heavenly Father and praised Him that I can always trust Him and that He never lets me down.

My Brother

When I met my brother the first time, I immediately asked him about my letter. I was disappointed to hear that he reacted the way I had expected him to react, humanly speaking. “What kind of stuff are you writing me? I had already forgotten those things. You’re crazy!“ I’m still sure that I acted according to God’s will and that he will bring it up again at the chosen time.

My brother is doing his service in the army right now and refused to give me his address there. He often says that he hasn’t got a sister and I hardly see him or speak to him any more.

My Grandparents

My Mother’s Parents
We’re starting with our weekly Bible-study again, going through the booklet Meeting Jesus where they are introduced to Jesus. It’s a 13-week-study taking passages from the gospels. They don’t seem to have read anything during our 3-week-break.

My Father’s Parents in Vienna
I haven’t seen them or phoned them since I’m back. They have grown up in an atheist surrounding and are very closed to the gospel. I used to see them twice a year but try to meet them more often now. Please pray that our relationship would start to be based on honesty and love.

My Father’s Parents in England
I intend to write them a letter and ask her, to write to her son. I want to build up a relationship with them as I don’t know them at all. Please pray that they’ll respond and that God would bring reconciliation between mother and son.

Stir me, oh! stir me, Lord

Stir me, oh! stir me, Lord, I care not how
But stir my heart in passion for the world:
Stir me to give, to go, but most to pray:
Stir till the blood-red banner be unfurled
O'er lands that still in heathen darness lie,
O'er deserts where no cross is lifted high.

Stir me, oh! stir me, Lord, till all my heart
Is filled with strong compassion for these souls;
Till Thy compelling Word drives me to pray;
Till Thy constraining love reach to the poles
Far north and south, in burning deep desire;
Till east and west are taught in love's great fire.

Stir me, oh! stir me, Lord, till prayer is pain,
Till prayer is power, till prayer turns into praise:
Stir me till heart and will and mind, yea all
Is wholly Thine to use through all the days.
Stir, till I learn to pray exceedingly:
Stir, till I learn to wait expectantly.

Stir me, oh! stir me, Lord, Thy heart was stirred
By love's intensest fire, till Though didst give
Thine only Son, Thy best beloved One,
E'en to the dreadful cross, that I might live.
Stir me to give myself so back to Thee,
That Thou canst give Thyself again through me.

Stir me, oh! stir me, Lord, for I can see
Thy glorious triumph-day begin to break;
The dawn already gilds the eastern sky:
Oh Church of Christ, arise, awake, awake;
Oh! stir us, Lord, as heralds of that day,
For night is past, our King is on His way.

Mrs. A. Head

Vienna Christian Center

What I wrote on many cards from England was: The only thing I don’t like here is that I lose my American accent, and the only thing I miss is my church.

Yes, I really missed VCC. Especially as nobody from the church wrote me what’s going on there. Every Sunday I wondered what the service in Vienna would look like that night.

I prayed a lot for VCC during my time in England, especially during the conference. God really laid the church on my heart, and seeing all the wonderful things that were going on in England, I prayed even more fervently for Austria and VCC, especially for renewal in the church and revival in Austria. Coming back, I was really looking forward to the first service after eight weeks. Just before going there, I got the bad news from my father. Arriving there, I got more bad news. Once a year, there is a church retreat, being away for a weekend together. For months I had been looking forward to that weekend, hoping to get to know people better. Now I received the news that that retreat had been right that weekend. If somebody had made the effort to write me, I could have gone there as I was already back in Vienna. I can’t tell you how deeply I was hurt by this. I don’t know whether that was the reason, but I really struggled concentrating on God during the worship afterwards.

That leads me to my main prayer request concerning my church: I’ve been in VCC now for one and a half years, having been more involved for a year. And still, I often feel rejected by people or even like an outsider. Since I joined the worship-team nine months ago, I’ve been trying to get to know the others better but there seems to be no way. They are just not interested. Please pray for more love in VCC generally and that I find genuine friends there, feeling accepted and at home in every way.

Before summer, I had offered my place for a new cell group, considering co-leading it. As I’m still about to seek God’s will for this semester, I haven’t reasoned out that one yet.


The 2nd of October lectures start again. I am now doing French and African Studies. I stopped with Physics (sometimes feeling melancholic about it) but am still enrolled in Astronomy (my fifth year) to get at least the half-way certificate after this semester. It’s my second year of French and my first year of African Studies. I intended to choose Hausa as my first language which is spoken in West-Africa but meanwhile God seems to lead me to choose Bambara which is also spoken in West-Africa. I pray a lot that I will choose the language God can use most later on.

At the moment I’m revising my Italian and New Testament Greek. I stopped learning Italian in the middle of last year but will do another course this year to improve it. I even need it now for my French studies. I also stopped with NT Greek in the middle of last year but want to improve it as well. I won’t participate in that course regularly but intend to pass by from time to time.

At the moment I have 26 hours per week, which is significantly above the average, but my time-table might still change. French: 6, African Studies: 14, Italian: 4, Astronomy: 2.

I also intend to do my Jazzdance again, which I’ve been doing at university for years already.

Colossians 1:9a

After having struggled for some time with praying for all of you regularly, I have got a new system now. The day, on which I pray for you, is always the same, simplifying some things. I also crossed out some people. If you have any preferred day for being praying for or if you are not on the list but would like to be so, let me know.

Monday - ÖSM

Tuesday - Wycliffe, Christiane

Wednesday - IFES

Thursday - Scott & Michelle

Friday - [three missionaries]

Saturday - Revival

Sunday - VCC

[Prayer list of people removed to protect people's privacy.]

Prayer Points

* salvation : Eun-Hee, Anna, Peggy, Viola, Alex
* my family : my father, mother, brother, Heinzi, grand-parents
* a prayer partner for me
* acceptance and friends in church
* right decision concerning cell-group, evangelistic Bible study or sth else
* wisdom concerning my time - when to sleep
* my finances


Claudia Wintoch
Thaliastr. 6/29
A-1160 Wien
Tel.: (+43-1) 40 70 957
e-mail :

Numbers 6:24-26

This time it took me quite long to write my News from Vienna as I had so little time. Because of that there might be some inconsistencies I apologise for. I hope you still enjoyed reading them and am looking forward to hearing from you again.

This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness. (Phil 1:9-11)

All my love,


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