future workshops & businesses will serve as dorms and classrooms
for our elementary school until the main building is built.
With another $84,000 or 74.000€
we can build it. If you'd like to contribute, please mark your
donation with "building fund". Details
November at a meeting with mission leaders from all over Europe
we were introduced to the Disciple-Making Movement (DMM).
We were immediately gripped by what we heard - testimony after testimony
of Muslims getting saved and churches being
planted in the Muslim world, even in the most oppressive
countries. It was so simple, yet so effective, to let Holy Spirit
bring the Word alive as you simply share it with people.
our return to Mali, Randy read two books about
it (Contagious Disciple Making by David Watson and Miraculous
Movements by Jerry Trousdale) and started putting what we've
learned into practice. In the beginning, it goes
slow, but then you reach a momentum and it starts exploding.
One thing that exploded immediately was the spiritual warfare.
These past few months have been extremely difficult
in that respect, and it's still not over (see more below). It made
us realize the truth of what we were told and have known for a long
time: We need intercessors that lift us up continually!
I've tried for years to put together a committed intercessory team,
but have not succeeded. If you are willing to intercede
for us daily, please email me and let me know, and we'll keep you
sent out his disciples and gave them these instructions in Luke
house you enter, first say, ‘Peace [that is, a blessing of
well-being and prosperity, the favor of God] to this house.’
And if anyone of peace is there [someone who is sweet-spirited and
hospitable], your [blessing of] peace will rest on him; but if not,
it will return to you. Stay in that house, eating and drinking what
they provide, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not move
from house to house. (AMP)
on this passage, you look for these "persons of peace"
that God has prepared, that Holy Spirit has been working on, and
you find them by finding out their priorities.
One way of doing so is by asking them the question of what they
would ask of God if there was ONE thing He would grant them.
you've found a "person of peace", you ask whether you
can share some stories with them. There is a set
of 26 Bible stories to start with - and we have one geared towards
Muslims - that introduce our God, and later Jesus. But from
the first story on (the creation of the earth) you simply
read the story and ask questions. What can we learn about God
here? What can we learn about man? If this story is true, what will
you change in your life this week? Who will you share this story
with this week?
from day one people OBEY the Word of God, and they
go out and tell others (evangelize). If they don't
do that, then they are not ready and no persons of peace. When they
do, their lives start changing, and they start
another group with other people that they have told the stories
to. After a while, you have a lot of "home groups" or
"house churches" of pre-Christians and later Christians.
started several groups after our return to Mali in November,
and Paul and others came along to translate and help. They had not
heard the teaching on DMM, so they later admitted that they thought
Randy was "crazy". In February
the missionary who taught us DMM in the first place flew to Burkina
Faso to do a training, and we knew that was a great opportunity
to bring our Malian leaders to hear the teaching
and get the training. Having just gone through a few nightmare
weeks and much turmoil, it was with some trepidation that
we left Mali.
had only just started using our car on January 24th as
it took that long to get all the paperwork done. On February 4th
Randy and I, our Malian director Paul, and two young men got into
our car and we started the two-day journey to Ouagadougou,
the capital of Burkina Faso. The seminar lasted two days,
and from the first session Paul was blown away by
what he heard. He caught the vision and returned to Mali full of
excitement, ready to put it all into practice. Now he's able to
keep it going, even when we're not around.

were thankful that the Lord was faithful to protect our
base and everyone back home during our 6-day absence.
have a few groups that were started, and some are going really well.
Both Paul and Randy have been amazed at how much impact
even the creation story has on Muslims that have never
heard it, and they go around telling everyone what they have heard,
eager to hear the next story the following week. Randy wrote about
a group composed of refugees from the Central African Republic:
I don't
have adequate words to express how amazing it is to be in a home
of Muslims with their friends when they hear for their very first
time God's creation story of man and woman. These are mostly Muslim
widows whose husbands were killed by "Christians" and
they have fled their country for their lives. After hearing the
story twice in two languages and hearing their joy, we asked, "What
will you change in your life this week if you believe this story
is true?" Most of their responses were that they were going
to forgive the ones who had murdered their loved ones! Only Lord
God could touch someone to that response.
from the same group another time:
is soo radical! Reminds me of another radical--Jesus. Sitting in
a room with mostly Muslim ladies telling the creation story of Lord
God creating the heaven and earth in six days. Reading that God
said everything He made was good. What is radical is that they have
never heard this story. They are so excited that they are going
to now tell their family and friends. Join me in praying that as
Jesus' disciples who were a gutsy bunch at first, these will discover
and obey Lord God as the Father leads them to His Son Jesus. It
is amazing that they are not believers yet, but they are already
excitedly telling His story just like Jesus commanded us to tell
and obey.
time, the husband of the lady at whose house a
group was meeting was so intrigued by what he heard, that he decided
to go to Paul's house to find out more. Another lady who came for
the first time reacted the same way. A few days later they both
came to Paul's house and asked questions for three
hours. At the end, they both gave their lives to the Lord!
have started doing DMM in one of our village churches,
and immediately had big crowds of curious Muslims show up. It was
amazing! Randy wrote:
an African village today we continued telling Bible stories to Muslims
and former Muslims. This is so easy as we tell the story twice and
then they tell it in their own words, practicing to tell their families
and friends. God touches their hearts as only He can as they tell
us specific things they are going to change in their lives. We are
now in creation and the fall and will go to redemption leading to
Jesus's life, death and resurrection. Please continue to pray for
all these groups, that eventually we will hear as Jesus did from
His disciples who answered His question: "Who do you say that
I am?"--"You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"
is from two other groups of Muslims:
we read our story today on Adam and Eve's disobedience, we asked
them, "What are you going to change in your life this week
because of this story?" From both the morning and afternoon
group, Muslims or former Muslims, a man and a woman said the same
thing, "I will stop beating my kids." WOW! Where did that
come from? And you know that it only came from Father God desiring
relationship with His children.
day, Randy was doing a meeting where they prayed for one
lady's healing. That same unsaved lady suddenly said that
God had just spoken to hear saying, "I will heal you."
Even the unsaved hear God's voice!
Randy first came to Mali, he went around looking for sick people
and saw many miracles. This is what he wrote in
looking for the persons of peace Jesus told His disciples to find,
I was looking for a lady God had healed last year who could not
walk and who had taken off running after He healed her. Now I had
not been able to find her house. Our discovery groups tell of those
in the community who have needs. We found a blind man this morning
I too had lost touch with who received rice from us and has invited
us back for a new group. Coming back this afternoon from a group
we had walked over an hour to, a lady walked up to us who had recognized
us. It was the lady who God had healed last year who had gotten
up and ran to show us she was healed! Well now we have another discovery
group location--at her house tomorrow.
A discovery
movement in a country of 90 percent Muslims will not work without
a prayer movement behind it. Please consider praying specifically
for this movement. If you have groups that will pray for us, I can
get you details. Again-- God is soooo good!
the years we've gone through times when suddenly our children
go crazy, often around holiday times. Unfortunately our
children are very much influenced by the world
because of their friends and classmates in school, where they are
from Monday through Friday, often all day long. Another reason why
we need a good Christian school for all grades.
January a spirit of rebellion invaded our children,
and children that have always been good kids suddenly became rebellious
and disobedient and acted out. We tried everything we knew to do,
but to no avail. With a heavy heart we finally
had to tell one teenager to leave. We prayed over
him, hugged him, told him we loved him, and wished him all the best.
other teenagers close to him decided to leave with him.

week later we had to kick out another teenager
who had always been a trouble-maker and was even caught taking drugs
last year. It was unfortunate that he had become close friends
with a good kid (and our newest family member) who decided
to leave with him. Two days later one of our two remaining
teenagers simply left as well, without a word.

children between the ages of 11 and 17 left in total. Only
one teenager remained who had not been under the influence
of that same spirit and who stepped up big time, making us very
proud. Another young man in his twenties was affected
and gave me a very hard time for the first 5 days of our trip to
Burkina Faso. On the last night we prayed together and Holy
Spirit broke in and delivered and restored him and our
relationship. Praise God!
has been a very hard time for all of us, losing over a third
of our resident children. The good news is that peace has
been restored, and things have been going great
since then. We made an extra effort to spend quality fun
time with our children and took them to the zoo
as well as a new ice-cream shop. We also took the
remaining three students of our own school out to eat.

continue praying with us for those 7 teenagers,
that they would be delivered, repent, and return to our family.
At least one of them went to the authorities to
harm us, and Paul has already been there twice for an interview,
but the kid and his representative helping him did not show up either
time, and so he is waiting to be called in another time. Please
pray that the truth will come to light and that God would
turn this situation around for His glory.
- Government
Inspection - This week we have an unannounced government
inspection because of our request to be a recognized and approved
children's center. Please pray for this inspection, as
anything could happen as a result.
Coming - Fanta (our cook) who has been
with us for a long time and whose three children live with us
is pregnant. Please pray for her. Please continue
also to pray for us get pregnant.
- Our
Health - Having just arrived in Austria, we have several
doctor's appointments, the most important one being the dentist
to take care of Claudia's tooth that has been hurting on and off
since December, making her take antibiotics four times since then.
School - Our elementary school is down to 3 students,
but is going better than before. The students now revise and master
what we did the last few months before their exam early June.
Please pray for French-speaking teachers to come
to Mali to relieve Claudia as well as so we can start a first
grade which is much needed.
- Government
Papers - Please pray we get the car customs exempt
papers and the papers for our organizations
leader Paul - We'd like to send him and our young leader
Joseph on a missions trip to Brazil with Randy Clark in
June that would change their lives. If you'd like to contribute
to this trip, please mark your donation accordingly. Also, please
pray for Paul as he's tired and has a lot on
his shoulders.
- Language
Learning - Please pray for Randy as he continues to learn
the local language Bambara.
#4 - We're about to start building the foundation for
our next building that will service as dorms and classrooms
for our elementary school in the beginning, and will be our business
and workshop section later. Cost: $94,000 or 84.000€.
- Feeding
The Poor - Some of you might not know that we've been
feeding widows, the poor and refugees for many years. Recently
a whole new avenue of ministering to refugees from the
Central African Republic has opened up.
- Partners
- We're looking for monthly financial partners as we only have
49% of our budget covered by regular monthly
- Volunteers
- Do you want to come change an orphan's
life? Do you want to heal the sick? Preach
the gospel to those who've never heard? Come to Mali
for a season and let God change your life. No language skills
needed, but French skills are helpful.
you enter a house, first say, ‘Shalom!’ to the household.
If a seeker of shalom is there, your ‘Shalom!’ will
find its rest with him; and if there isn’t, it will return
to you. Stay in that same house... (Luke 10:5-7a, CJB)
Claudia (&
Randy) |