It's time to say good-bye again, as I'm taking
a plane to Austria in a few hours. I will be spending all of July
in Austria, starting in the West moving east until arriving in Vienna.
I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family, visiting churches
and sharing, pouring out what God has put into me.
I've talked to Siebou and others in Mali, as well as Simeon. Everything
is going fine. Siebou keeps teaching reading to the others, and
they are going to church on Sundays. Simeon has been an issue of
concern to me. I talked to him on the phone, and also received an
email from him that raised a lot of red flags. He has two more months
in Mozambique. Please pray that God will heal him and set him free.
Because otherwise he will not be able to minister with me again.
All for HIM,