FFM Crusade In Goma, Congo #2
Claudia R. Wintoch/Todd Bentley (FFM)
March 18, 2003



Dear friends,

 While the last report showed you more the humanitarian side, this one shows you how God is moving powerfully through Todd and his team. This is also what I will be doing when in Malawi with him and Heidi Baker in June.



Congo Report #2

The First Miracle Crusade Night

A small Fresh Fire team of 17 drove 4 hours through Rwanda over the border to Congo. This would be another life changing experience for both, Fresh Fire Ministries staff, and those who had never been a part of a Missions team in Africa. It was hot; the air in the city was still filled with volcanic poison and pollution. The poverty and desperation here was the worst that I have seen yet in any country in Africa. Over 200 hundred churches worked together with our Fresh Fire Ministries crusade team based in Uganda to host this 5 night miracle campaign. The 1st evening, a small group of 20 -25 thousand people gathered, Baptists, Anglicans, Pentecostals, revival churches, Protestants, and unbelievers came to hear the word and to be healed.

The Faithful Pygmies

One highlight of these meetings was when a group of tribal pygmies walked 60 kms from the jungle to dance for the team, attend the crusade and bring gifts. These 4 foot full grown adults are believed in Africa to some to people without souls. We've heard tremendous reports of recent inhumane acts against these people; murder and even cannibalism. These tribe’s people had more heart, soul and fire as they danced and praised the Lord, just about more than everyone else. One woman so touched by them provides them with food and disciples over 900 pygmies. These people live in the jungle, by faith, days at times even without food, and their testimonies of God's miraculous power of provision are right out of the bible. One example: one time they were out of food for 8 days and the Lord instructed them to eat dirt. As they did, it had the taste of corn and beans in their mouths. Awesome!! Just awesome!!

The Crowd Grows, Miracles and Healings are being done

Over the next 5 days the crowd swelled to over 60, 000. Each night thousands were saved, each day people would testify to being healed the evening before on radio. Each night the crusade was broadcast live to those living in Congo, and parts of Rwanda. Only heaven can record the thousands that may have given their lives to the Lord here. We do know that one night Todd asked how many people here tonight got saved on the radio at home last night; a 100 plus hands went up. Each night, there were healings, miracles, and even signs and wonders in the heavens above.

The Crusade is Disrupted by Witch Doctors

After two days of breakthrough the third evening Todd noticed the crowd had dropped several thousand. There was a report in the city that day that during the third evening of the crusade service local witch doctors had planned a violent confrontation tonight. The rains came and during that meeting Todd once again and the Fresh Fire Ministries team fervent intercession and petition went up before God "God break the power of witchcraft, we rebuke the rains, pray for heaven to open.” In that instant not only did the rain cease, but the temperature of the wind changed. Tonight six or seven people were cast to the ground simultaneously under demonic influence, each one was carried on to the platform, devils were cast out in Jesus' name, ones screamed, shook, and even spewed spit from the mouth, we believe that these ones were sent by the witch doctor to disrupt the meetings.

Crowd Grows again and Deaf and Dumb are Healed

The next day the crowd swelled and the report of the local Congolese was “we saw with our own eyes they broke the power of the witch doctor.” The first evening a deaf school of 32 lined up on the platform, each was prayed for and 26 deaf and dumb heard and spoke in that one wave. Each night the Fresh Fire Ministries team would wade their way out into thousands on the alter for prayer. People grabbing, pushing, shouting, even the army, a Fresh Fire security detail a gift from the president himself, had to break up several fights. When the miracles broke loose, a press of people ran up to the front. Each night the Fresh Fire Ministries team, even ones that have never prayed for the sick, shared testimonies of the deaf that heard, and the blind that saw. One night alone more than 30 deaf received their hearing. When the team would return home to the hotel they would share testimony of what took place that evening. Two nights the team agreed that it was as if every single person they prayed for was healed.

Cripples are Healed

One night two cripples were placed on the platform, one boy twisted, crippled like a pretzel from birth, received prayer. Todd's wife Shonnah heard the Lord whisper to her, “pick him up”, his legs straightened and he began to walk!! Within moments the crowd screamed and cheered again as the second cripple stood and walked twice across the platform. Each night there were testimonies of tumors healed, various pain, sickness, TB, paralysis healed. Sunday morning each team member was given an opportunity to preach in their own church service. Each team member shared testimonies of healings in their service and testimonies of salvation. One pastor, during the evening Sunday crusade service, testified, “I now know this anointing is not just upon Todd Bentley, it is a transferable, tangible healing anointing.” When Dave, Todd’s father and John, Missions coordinator, preached on Sunday, Dave, Todd's father, gave several words of knowledge, even African names, called them by name, first and last. When they prayed for one cripple, his legs straightened out and he danced around the church.

The Pastor’s Conference

The pastor’s conference consisting of 1,500 to 2,000 pastors, leaders, evangelists, and ministry workers gathered each day. Each service built until the anointing service took place, teaching on soaking, the healing anointing, spirit of revival, holiness, repentance. In one service Pastor Ken, Missions Director, gave an alter call to repent of sexual sin, more than half of the people came up to the alter to get their life right with God. The final service, more than 1,800 leaders stood shoulder to shoulder in the hot sun one mile long down the streets of the city to receive a fresh touch from God.

Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance. (Ps 2:8)
Mag. Claudia R. Wintoch
 10808 Fremont Avenue
 Kansas City, MO 64134
 (+1) 816-966-9294


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