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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day Of Prayer & Fasting

Today I was amazed at how well I was doing, and I know it's the prayers of God's people. Thank you!!!

I decided to cancel the service and do a day of prayer of fasting together with the rest of the family. We did two meetings together, one in the morning/afternoon, and one in the late afternoon.

I decided to put in the DVD from the most powerful night at the conference in Phoenix. They exceptionally had the whole worship time on there too. The whole thing was about 3 hours. I translated the songs and prophetic singing, as we joined in with the DVD.

They had two guys with flags on there, and I encouraged my boys to use my flags - who have been unused for a while. So they got them out and danced in worship. I enjoyed watching them! I was also amazed at the joy I actually felt in the Lord! Truly, in His presence there is fullness of joy, whatever the circumstances!

We had a great time worshipping Him, and praying together. Afterwards, I spent some time just having fun with my boys, which was also wonderful. They really suffer when we fast, but I'm proud of them that they keep going anyway. However, the evening prayer meeting was a little tough-going because they were all hungry.

In some ways they didn't really understand why we needed a day of fasting. They are glad Seybou & Fanta are gone - which shocked me in any case. I told them it was for protection for Souleymane and all of us, and for God's order to be established.

We went to bed after a great day with the Lord. However, that is when my mind just couldn't settle down, and I had to keep thinking of Hama and Sarata, and how scared they must be, and whether they're thinking I sent them away, or they have done something to deserve this.... My mind just wouldn't find peace. Lord, be with my little ones!

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Intense Unconsolable Grief

Just a few minutes ago I heard Hama calling my name. I listened up. Then I heard it a second time, even louder. I jumped up and ran outside, turning on the lights on the way. When I got outside, there was nobody there. I broke out into tears. I thought I could wrap my arms around my little boy. I returned to my room, weeping uncontrollably, and I'm still weeping as I return to my desk and to writing the blogs.

Earlier today I thought I heard Sarata's voice outside. I've spent this whole day either crying or trying to drown the pain. I don't want to see anyone, and don't care about things that need to be done.

Is there any hope for the people in this culture? Is it impossible to see people truly turn to Jesus and be really changed? Is it always only hypocrisy, and a projected image, so that the white person sees what they know she wants to see? Who can you trust? Who can be changed?

I've been saying over and over that when I'm down, I think of Hama and that just for him it was worth coming to Mali. Now he's gone. His future is sitting on the road side and begging for money - the only thing a handicapped person can do in Mali.

I've labored here for the past five years, but what fruit is there? Is Paul an exception, or are there other Pauls out there?

I believe the love of money is definitely the root of all evil - it's all anyone here cares about. I guess the extreme poverty leads to extreme love of money.

I told Paul it was a new day, a new chapter that was starting, but I didn't think it would be so dramatic. I'm tired of loss and pain and hardship at all times. Why can't it be different? Why can't there be victory and joy and peace?

Everything has changed in our household, and we need to see how to proceed, even just pertaining to daily operations. At this point, I'm really not up to it, as the intense grief is overwhelming me. hope I can hold on to God and find Him in all this. Your prayers are certainly needed.

My Remaining Boys

I wrote the above earlier, and didn't expect to add anything else. I also talked a few minutes with Paul, after writing him a note that I'd been crying all day and wouldn't do the service tomorrow. More tears came as we talked, and as I heard that Seybou had already rented a house nearby, therefore this was all planned and just a matter of time.

As 9 pm - the time for our family meeting - approached, I decided to go over there after all. I didn't want my boys to go to bed without hugging them. I found that Paul had actually left, and the boys were in their room getting ready to go to bed. The following thirty minutes were so wonderful, and even had something of a healing effect. I hugged each one, and went after the two already in bed and pretending to already sleep. Those were precious mother-son moments of laughing and physical affection. Then we talked for half an hour, and it was a wonderful time. I asked them whether they weren't sad, and they said the only one they miss is Hama. They also told me more about Seybou - that he was very close to the night guard Issa who was actually very much into local witchcraft, and has caused one of our neighbors to go crazy. They also said that Seybou started changing after our move to our property half a year ago, and he spent a lot of time with the night guard. Again, wrong company corrupted him. The same happened with my first boy Sekouba who I still think of and pray for.

The two oldest boys told me more about their time at the YWAM evangelism camp, and my mother's heart rejoiced at all I heard. I loved the half hour with them. Tomorrow I should try to spend more time with them rather than grieving and miserable by myself in my office.

I also want to make you aware that Ramadan starts on Monday - that's a time of heightened demonic activity we need your prayers for. Also, Enoch is probably gonna show up Monday, and I still don't know how to deal with that situation with him.

ATTENTION: New Developments!

Paul just came back from having talked to Seybou.

Seybou is refusing any contact between his children and us, and they are not going to continue school.

Seybou is also threatening Souleymane, one of our boys, who spoke up about what he had seen Seybou do. He told Paul clearly that he has every intention to hurt Souleymane.

Paul actually talked to Seybou at Issa's (the night guard's) house.

Our gate keys have disappeared, so Seybou probably has access to our property.

We have alerted our new guard to the situation. He is asking to be armed, at least with a "big knife", if not a rifle. I told him to take a steal bar; I'm not comfortable with arms around here, with all the children.

Paul told me that even recently some robbers broke into a house in our part of town and killed the people with their rifles.


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Friday, August 29, 2008

My Little Ones Gone

Today I lost my babies, and I've shed more tears than I have in a long time (well, since losing my spiritual Dad less than a year ago). I love Hama and Sarata as if they were my kids, and now they are gone. Sarata grew up with us. Hama was a handicapped 4-year-old neglected, frightened boy who didn't know how to smile or laugh or what a hug was, and was beaten and shouted at by his parents. Today he loves Jesus and loves dancing in worship. Though he is 7 physically, he's 3-4 mentally.

Both Sarata and Hama run to me every time they see me, and always come to me for comfort. Now they are gone. Hama has no future in this culture. Today they completed their second week at the international school - the only school that would even take Hama. Now Hama might never go to school again. Tonight they are somewhere I don't know, probably frightened, not knowing what's going on, maybe asking for me.

The pain is so great. I welcome your prayers.

I hope to write more tomorrow.

Picture: With newborn Jonathan on the day he was born - June 8th.

Today's Events

I had not finished unpacking yesterday, but was taking it easy. At one point I noticed that the box that was full of healthy snacks before my departure was empty. I counted on those snacks lasting until Christmas - with Hama and Sarata taking one to school every day for their break time. I asked my boys, and most of them admitted having taken one or more. One boy said he saw Seybou take them. Seybou got extremely angry at that accusation, and started threatening Souleymane who had been brave enough to admit it was him (I didn't say who had told me). I had to step between Seybou and Souleymane to protect him. My boy stayed silent, not reacting, thankfully. Seybou was all worked up at this accusation that later proved right, because we found all the empty packages in their vacated room.

Fanta then came in upset about all this, and started pouring her heart out. I asked everyone to calm down and discuss things normally. I prayed before we started talking. I was shocked at all Fanta was saying. I asked her why she hadn't said anything earlier. She spoke about how the teenagers disrespect her and treat the little kids. I tried to mediate. What hurt was that she accused me of having brought her here to Bamako (that was 3 years ago) to an unhappy life, and asked why I had done such a thing. I was shocked! Seybou had lived with me for one year, before I found out that he had a wife and two children, and I told him to bring them here because they need to be together. I wonder now whether Fanta and the three children are going home to their village - where they have no future whatsoever - while Seybou stays in Bamako, working and sending money back home. That's very common in Mali.

Seybou then started accusing my boys of all kinds of things, and I found out that he had hit Abdias a while back, which even Paul didn't know. I found out later that Seybou had threatened Abdias. I also found out that my oldest (and most spiritual right now) boy Saloum had left the property during the night. However, Seybou twisted that to make him look bad. In fact it was he himself who had sent him on an errand.

Then I found out that Seybou's sister had lived here during my absence - something Paul knew and hadn't told me. She slept and ate here. I was shocked - most of all that they had not even asked me whether that was okay!

I think that was the last straw for Seybou. He said they are leaving right now, and started packing. He was still threatening Souleymane, and I tried to protect him. I tried to reason with him, to calm down first and talk calmly in a few hours, but he wouldn't listen. I asked him not to make any rash decision, not to destroy his kids' lives, and how he could throw away 4 years together just like that. Nothing I said made any difference at all.

He took the car keys to go get Hama and Sarata from school, but I told him I couldn't let him take the car if he's not with us anymore. Then Paul gave him his motorbike keys! I was shocked! He couldn't pick up two little kids with a motorbike!

I was in tears, running to my office, and sending out the prayer alert. I was still hoping we'd be able to talk calmly in a few hours, as it's been the case the previous times he snapped like that.

An hour or so later, I saw them come back, and hope returned. I gave the car keys to Seybou, who left to pick up his kids. No words were exchanged.

I was exhausted from all the crying and took a nap.

Every Friday we have our prayer meeting. When Paul and the boys came, I was shocked to find out that Seybou and his family had left for good. I honestly didn't think he would do it. They had packed all their stuff and left. We later found out that Seybou had actually stolen a lot of our stuff - half the kitchen utensils, so that we have to buy them again, and the only good mattress I have that I lent them. I never thought he'd be capable of that! I totally trusted him!

The kids had already told me that he was telling the neighbors he's not a Christian, but only with us for the money. Seybou was also good friends with our night guard Issa who just left us and who was a non-practicing Muslim. The kids have actually seen the two of them together placing magic stuff into the walls of our house - specifically where my room is - to put curses on me/us. Again, I didn't think him capable of that!

I'm now questioning everything. I knew he was very attached to money, but I didn't know to what degree he was controlled by the love of it. Several times he came back from errands, and money was missing, but he could never explained. 1-2 years ago he lost a lot of money, and just took off - did he really lose it?

I taught Seybou how to read and write, led him to the Lord, baptized him, sent him to driving school, and the list goes on and on. I loved and trustred him. I feel betrayed, and am in shock. I didn't know the Seybou I saw today! He said something about "since we moved...". Is God's presence on our property bringing things to light, as God is cleaning us and building a strong foundation for what is ahead? It sure looks like it.

In the beginning of the prayer meeting, we talked about a few more things, then we got into a circle and prayed together. Tears flowed down my face, and Paul was also affected. Then I went to the keyboard (that is barely working any more), and we started praising and worshipping God. More tears flowed down my face. The meeting didn't last very long, because I had a really hard time connecting with God.

Every Friday night we go to the bus station to feed the street children there. I'm now the only one with a driver's license, so I had to drive. I had a headache from all the crying. Paul had to do the cooking, since we always make fries that we put into sandwiches. It was raining hard, as we huddled around the fire outside (with a tin roof) where the potatoes were frying. Finally it was ready, and we walked to the car in the rain. I didn't care about the water or the relative cold.

Our new guard opened the gate, and with my flashlight I tried to see where the water was, and where I could turn around, driving backwards and downhill through the new gate I had never used before. It worked out fine, and we drove to the bus station.

It was still raining, as my boys went to get the kids, and we handed out the food. It didn't take very long. Eli was there - a young boy who once lived with us for a few months. He greeted me with joy - as did all the other boys - and I had my arm around him for quite some time. How I love all those boys! I told them that very soon they could come sleep in a dry place with us. They were happy to hear that.

We drove back home, where Paul finished cooking their dinner. It was 11 pm - a lot later than usual - before my boys could finally go to bed. I had nothing left, but just wanted to hug each one of them. I was actually amazed at how nothing seemed to have changed for them - they didn't seem the least bit affected.

I talked to another friend via skype, and shed more tears. When I finally went to bed, I could not fall asleep for the longest time, constantly thinking of Hama and Sarata, and what they must go through right now, and where they could possibly spend the night tonight. Oh God, be with them!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day Home

The joy of being back was dampened by my stepping on the scale. I was shocked how much weight I had gained on that trip! Time to lose it again!

I spent the day unpacking, as well as working on the translation I had accepted to do. At one point I gathered Paul and the boys together, and I showed them all the pictures and video clips from my trip. They loved it! I then gave them their gifts - a California T-shirt each that they loved. And "insect candy"! They couldn't believe their eyes!!! Two of the boys ate the bug, and two didn't.

I finally got to see Sarata, and she stuck to me for some time. It was great to see her again.

First day or not, I also had two interviews with possible night guards. Both were Christians, but the second one lived too far and was unable to move in with us.

When Issa didn't show up at night, we knew we couldn't wait until Monday, and so I asked Paul to call the first guy right away and ask if he can start tomorrow - he said yes.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Returning Home

As expected it was another short night. I got up early enough to finish packing, and weighing the bags. I got exhausted, getting on the scale with a bag, then back down taking stuff our or putting stuff in, and weighing it again. I was trying to have to pay the mininum possible at the airport, but in the end I gave up. It was what it was.

By the time my Mom showed up, I couldn't lift another thing. We put the three bags/suitcases into her car, as well as my backpack and purse. I made some sandwiches with my remaining bread, bacon, and cheese.

I said good-bye to my grandmother, and she told me she'd like to have me again next time. I could imagine that, in fact, though I missed my good friend who I usually stay with.

We drove to the airport and arrived having plenty of time. I checked in, and as already last time, the scale showed about 6-7 kilos too little for the first two bags. I was amazed! The third - the suitcase - showed the correct weight. Another miracle? My Mom claims that it's the size of the duffel bags. In any case, I "only" paid for a third suitcase, and no overweight fee. It was still $220. That suitcase contained many sheets we'll need for the street kids that are gonna spend the night with us starting soon.

After checking in, I still had half an hour to sit down with my Mom, which was nice. Then it was time to leave - once more with an amazingly heavy backpack and another bag.

The first plane took me to Paris, and the second from Paris to Bamako. Everything worked our perfectly, thanks for praying. My three suitcases came out quickly, and I was one of the first to leave the airport building - quicker than ever before. And then they were all there - Seybou, Paul, and all four teenagers. I hugged each one of them, seeing the joy in their eyes, and I was so happy to be with my children again.

We drove home in the dark - it wasn't even 9 pm yet - taking once again a different route, now that the water is everywhere, and then we used the other gate for the first time that has been operational for days only. It makes it a lot easier to access our property.

The lights were on - thank God - thanks to the generator running. I greeted the guard Issa who was gonna be replaced soon.

When I walked into the house, Hama heard me and came to greet me. He was so happy to see me, and I just held him for some time. Then I put him down and Fanta came with the baby. She was also glad to see me, hugged me, and handed me baby Jonathan. How he's grown in the two months since his birth! Sarata was sleeping unfortunately.

I decided to not do much tonight, and didn't even start unpacking. There's plenty of time for that tomorrow.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day Of Packing

I'd had a hard time falling asleep last night, and so I got up later than expected, and was more tired than expected. I was glad to have a day at home, being able to focus on packing and getting things done before returning to Mali.

My friend Renate came over for some time, which was nice, and in the evening, Veronika came by who spent over 2 months in Mali last year. I enjoyed catching up with her.

The rest of the day I was working a little on the translation, and packing. I realized I'd have to have a third suitcase, and pay for excess bagage. At this point it looks like I'll have to pay $300 tomorrow!

My grand-mother also wanted to spend some more time with me, and I was thankful to have an opportunity to share the gospel with her. I found out in April that she is of Jewish origin (we're not related biologically), and I told her how special she was because of that. She's always hidden that fact, having grown up under Hitler, and living with the shame of that. Unfortunately she wasn't interested in a relationship with God - at this point.

In the evening, we watched an episode of MONK together, interrupting my work of packing and translating, and then I got back to work. She's gone to bed now, and I should do the same, since it's gonna be another short night, and a long day of traveling.

Back In Mali

Unfortunately I was made aware of another problem today, when I talked to Paul and the boys. Seybou hasn't attended the services or prayer meetings, and he's telling our neighbors he's not a Christian but only with us for the money. That's very different than what he's been telling me! I was also told that he's extremely close to our night guard who we have to fire for not doing his job - we don't really know for sure whether he's been helping the burglars or not.

In any case, within hours of sending my email out to the missionary community, I had 4 guards wanting this job, and at least two of them are Christians. Pray we make the right choice! And pray for Seybou and a resolution for that serious situation. After all, he is the father of our three little ones.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Day

Today was my last day to visit with family. I already woke up by myself at 9 am, and left the house at 10:45 to run some errands. At noon I had a lunch appointment with the Austrian pastors from the church I ministered at on Saturday. We spent two hours together, which was a very blessed time, just fellowshipping and exchanging. I was able to share some of the challenges we have in Mali.

From there, I made my last stop at a store, before going to my brother's house. I had two hours with him and his family, and enjoyed my nephew Max for the third and last time until 2009. I showed them my presentation, and Max seemed very interested. I told him he could come to Mali in a few years, but his parents protested loudly. FYI, no one in my family intends to ever visit me in Mali.

My Mom doesn't live far from there, and so she picked me up on her way home from work. I then spent three hours with her and her husband, having dinner, and helping them with computer stuff. She was so kind to drive me home to my grand-mother, which isn't that close.

Problems In Mali

I got home around 8:30 pm, and was already pretty tired. I didn't think I could get any more work done. I checked my mails for the first time since the morning and found a note from Emma that it was urgent that I'd call Paul, so I did. The internet was still not working there, so I explained to Paul again how to call customer service and find out what's going on.

He then roughly explained what the crisis was, but told me he'd give me the details when I return on Wednesday. Some guys tried to steal our solar panels, and our guard was involved in it. Our builder Kossi had hired that guard, who is not a Christian. Now he's fired, and we need to find a new, realiable, guard as soon as possible. Please pray for that. I praise God that He protected our property and stopped the burglars!

My boys then told me they wanted to tell me something, but they would do so tomorrow. How I like those kind of announcements!

After my conversation, I went downstairs to join my grand-mother. I had not watched any TV yet, and she said she wanted to watch with me - whatever I wanted to see. So we watched one program together, before I went upstairs to go to bed. However, I could not fall asleep, and so I finally got up again and started catching up on writing blogs. It's after 2 am now, and I really need to try to sleep again. I'm tired enough! I've also been feeling for days as if this cold was trying to get a hold of me. Thanks for praying!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lower Austria & Vienna

After a short night it was tough having to get up that early, and leaving the house at 8:45 am to go to Großrust, which is 1+ hour from Vienna. My friend Renate picked me up, and I enjoyed the time of fellowship with her in the car. We arrived in this little village fifteen minutes into the service.

Erwin Fillafer, the most well-known Austrian evangelist who is in his sixties, was the guest speaker this morning, and he was the reason we were there. I needed to talk with him about his possible upcoming visit to Mali, and Renate just loves his meetings and wanted an opportunity to see him again.

After the meeting, I talked to a few people, and was moved to see how many remembered me and really cared. Then we had lunch together with the pastor, his wife, and the evangelist, which was a great opportunity to talk. This man is quite unique, and I feel honored that God has put me and Mali on his heart. He told me that he prays for me every day, which really amazed me, and that he had felt blessed and honored to sit next to me and have lunch.

I hope he's coming, because I know he would have a big impact on my boys. They need these father figures who overflow with God's love.

We left there a little later than planned, and drove back to the nearest town so we could meet briefly with my good friend Beate. She's known me since I was saved, and we always visit. We went to an ice-cream shop together, where we only had a brief time, before we had to get back on the road to return to Vienna. It was time well-spent!

It all worked out well time-wise. When we arrived at Renate's church, the service hadn't started yet. The pastors were gone, but their son was leading the service. He said I could say something if I wanted to. I didn't feel like I had anything to share, plus, I was SO tired, I really wanted to be home rather than there. I regretted not having gone home to rest.

However, after the service, Renate and I did our traditional thing of going to the "same old" pizza place near her home together, though we were both tired. We enjoyed our last time of fellowship. Then she drove me home.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Step-Father's Birthday

I spent the whole day of Friday working on the translation, which was great. I knew I wouldn't have any time on the weekend.

This morning I had to set my alarm for early, because we had to drive to Burgenland (an hour away) for my step-father's birthday. I had already told my family that I could only stay two hours because I was preaching in the evening. I wanted some time to prepare in the morning, so I set my alarm for 9 am. Still adjusting to the new time zone, I had a very hard time getting up.

At 11:30 am I met with my brother and his family, and I followed his car out to where we were having lunch with my step-father and his family. Thankfully my grand-mother lent me her car, otherwise this would not have been possible.

We got there in time, and I got to see my nephew again - smiling, even though the weather was pretty bad. Max stayed the center of attention during the whole time in the restaurant. I actually barely said a word the first one and three quarters of an hour of my 2 hours there. Only when I said I was leaving in 15 minutes was I asked the first question to tell something about Mali. It was good to see my nephew again, though, and I also got to hold him for a few minutes.

After 2 pm I left to drive back to Vienna, and get ready for the evening meeting. I had a great CD running in the car, of Joshua Mills, and was praising God in the car on the way home. I got back home at 3 pm and realized how very tired I was. I had two hours before I had to leave for church. I spent the time praying, but was also dozing off a few times.

Ministering In German

I left home at 5 pm, only to notice after a few minutes that I had left my Bible and notes at home. I called my grand-mother, and turned around. I had never gone that way before, and with all the one-way streets, I had a hard time finding my way back, but I managed. I grabbed my stuff and left again. I wanted to be at church by 5:30 pm to pray with them for the service. Only, when I actually made it there in time, I found out that they are actually praying from 5 to 5:30 pm! I missed it!

I talked to some people, including the pastor and his wife, until the service started at 6 pm. At first, there weren't that many people, but later there were about 150. The whole service was in German, and I had been concerned about preaching in German. I knew only God could give me that supernatural ability, since my Christian life has for the most part been English.

Worship was in German too, of course. I was in the first row with the pastors, and soon knelt down on the cold floor. With the last song, I couldn't help but stretch out. The anointing was so strong, I felt like I was getting drunk. Unfortunately it was the last song, and I really didn't want to get up.

They did some announcements and testimonies, and I felt His presence on me subsiding again. After the offering, it was my turn. I first told them the reason I was in Vienna on this short visit - to see my nephew (projected on the wall in the picture). Then I showed them my presentation, with German comments, since it was the latest version (in English). I then gave them a verbal update, including my trip. I felt it was going really tough, no anointing anywhere, and I was going nowhere. I needed cough drops as well as water, and it felt awkward to speak German. I was praying hard on the inside.

So I decided to pray aloud, and it was still tough going. I started sharing miracles I had seen in the US, and in Mali, and then I did a short preaching on a healing passage from the gospels, that God had given me anointing for. Now it started flowing - thank God! People loved the passage. When I was done, I asked the worship team back up for some music. We started worshiping God a little, and I did some praying. Then I asked those who needed healing to come forward. I was amazed at how many came, but then, they had announced it on their website as a healing meeting.

There were maybe 40 people or more in the front, and I started praying over them, commanding sicknesses and pain to flee. After some time of praying I asked who was healed or felt a difference. The first person came - someone who had been healed even while I was preaching. Then person after person came. When they weren't totally healed, I laid hands on them and prayed again, and some were totally healed then. One person I laid hands on on the knee was totally healed, and while I prayed for him, the pastor who was close-by felt his knee starting to heal, and so I prayed for him. He was healed, it seems. Another lady was healed of Lyme disease, and there were other healings, and I hope I'll be getting more testimonies in the days to come. It was very exciting, and I kept praising God!

I asked the keyboard player to stay, and the people to sit down. I still had a message on my heart - on the glory of God. They were not used to having a message with keyboard music, but it was a very powerful time of impartation as I shared, prayed, shared, prayed, with the music in the background. People were entering into the glory of God, which was the whole purpose. They were drawing closer to Him, and their hunger for more of God was fanned into flame. It was so awesome! Many said how thick and glorious His presence was, as I talked about His glory! I wished there was a video! But there is an audio file you can listen to by clicking here (it's in German!).

Towards the end I invited those forward that wanted His glory more than anything, ready to pay the price, and a good number came and knelt down. We kept praying. After some time I felt it was time to pass on the word to the pastors that God had started to give me in the beginning of the service. So they got up and stood next to each other, and I delivered it. Especially the wife was deeply touched by God's words. Praise God!

The pastor then closed the meeting, and I told him I was available to pray for anyone who still wanted to. Little did I know a long line would form, but I listened to and prayed for each one. It was an honor. The downside was that most people were gone by the time I was done praying.

What an awesome service it had been!!! I had only once preached in this church before, and that was over 2 years ago.

I talked to the few remaining people, and just as I was leaving with the last few people, the pastors came back from what they had left to do. They suggested we'd go eat together, and so the two of them and another leader and I went to a closeby restaurant. I enjoyed the time with them, talking, and fellowshiping. It was late when we left there, and after midnight before I got home.

Unfortunately I felt some effects from having eaten so late that kept me from falling asleep for some time - it was gonna be a short night.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Translation Work

Just before leaving the US, I accepted translation work for a mission in Mali - from English to French. I enjoy it, and we need the money. Since I have LOADS of work waiting for me back in Mali, I decided to get as much done here in Vienna as possible. For that reason I've been constantly working on the translation, every free minute I have, and I'm learning something at the same time, since it's all about reaching Muslims.

My Nephew Maximilian

Today I finally got to see and hold my nephew Maximilian - who was born with a serious heart condition four months ago - for the first time! My brother left his job for his lunch break, and my sister-in-law drove into town with the baby, while I came from home. We sat down outside a little restaurant in downtown Vienna for lunch.

It was wonderful to finally see my only nephew - strong and healthy - and take him into my arms. I got to hold him for a long time, and I loved his smiles - that are unfortunately not captured on picture. Then my brother went back to work, and my sister-in-law dropped me off on her way home.

I did my last shopping for Mali and returned home to pick up my translation work again. It was 2:30 am before I went to bed. I'm having a hard time getting over the 9-hour time difference.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Long Trip To Europe

Sunday night, I went to bed at 4 am, taking advantage of having a fast internet connection for the last time. Three and a half hours later, it was time to get up and finish packing. We used room service to have some breakfast, which was nice. Some time later, the lady who had been so nice to pick us up from the airport came again to take us back to the airport. I tried weighing my bags to make sure I pay the minimum excess bagage fee possible, but the scale was too sensitive.

We left the hotel at 10:30 to get to the airport by 11:30, but we made it much faster. We were dropped off at my terminal, so we could check my big bags in first. It worked out fine - but I paid a high price for forgetting to put the heavy books from my carry-on into the checked bag when I saw it was still below the limit. I had two carry my two heavy carry-ons at 4 different airports, causing me much pain.

We took the shuttle bus to go to Christy's terminal, and checked her in. Then we still had some time before she had to go to her gate. We sat down - our last few minutes together - before saying good-bye. I returned to my terminal, where I still had plenty of time. Unfortunately there was no lounge for my airline group.

My plane left Phoenix at 3 pm, and I arrived in Houston before 8 pm local time. I walked over to my terminal - it was nearly deserted. The frequent flyer lounge had just closed its doors! So I sat down by my gate, waiting for my flight at 10 pm.

The plane was pretty empty as well, so that I had an empty seat next to me - that was nearly nice. I lay down on both seats for 2 hours, trying to sleep. It wasn't comfortable, but I got some sleep. I also watched two great movies - it was about time for a good movie on a plane again!

The flight to Paris was 9 hours; I arrived there at 2 pm local time. However, I now was 9 hours ahead of Phoenix, and pretty tired. I made my way (a LONG walk) to my terminal, where I only had half an hour in the lounge, before going to my gate. Just one more flight!

90 minutes after take-off, we arrived in Vienna. Both my bags had made it too, thank God. My Mom was waiting for me, together with the best pizza in the world. She was so kind to drive me to my grandmother's house - my Dad's mother - where I'd stay for the very first time, to grant her request of having her grand-daughter with her. My Mom left soon after.

I spent some time with my grand-mother, before going to my room and unpacking. It was 1 am local time before I went to bed - looking forward to a long night and sleeping in.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last Day In The USA

It was a wonderful last day. Jason Westerfield did both sessions today, the extended morning one, and the evening session. They were great. In the evening, they had "techno worship". I had never seen anything like that before, but it sure was impressive, and great for the younger generation!

After the morning session, we finally got to have fellowship with Nadine from Austria, and her friend. We had lunch together, and a great time of catching up.

The afternoon passed by far too quickly. It being my last day in the US, I was busy getting some things done, especially taking advantage of the fast internet connection. I never got around to taking a nap. Neither did Christy who had signed up for personal prophetic ministry, and came back blessed.

After the evening session, Christy went down to the pool, while I got some one-on-one time with Nadine, talking some more. Then I started going through my long list of things to get done. During the evening session, I kept adding things to the list to get done, primarily emails needing to be written. I don't know how much I'll actually get to sleep tonight, since it's past 2 am, and I'm still working hard.

Please pray for a smooth flight tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm flying from Phoenix to Houston, then on to Paris, and then on to Vienna, arriving in Vienna Tue night local time.

News From Mali

I talked to Paul yesterday, and found him very discouraged. He wouldn't tell me right away what's going on, but succeeded in letting my imagination go haywire.

FINALLY he did tell me. The results of his end of High School exams had been posted - and he had failed. He found that out last Sunday already, and had been devastated since.

I talked to him for a while, encouraging him, and then praying for him, and the difference that made was audible. He told me the best in his class had failed, and the worst student had passed. I reminded him of the corrupt system (where students pay to pass), and that he had done his best, which is all that God required.

Talking more, I felt more and more that this might actually be a good thing for Paul. I discovered two possible reasons why God allowed him to fail, and pointed those out to him, asking him to take it to God in prayer.

Other than that, things in Mali are going well. The roof is done, and we're waiting for it to dry so we can use the rooms. However, the money is not sufficient to put in windows and doors yet. The green in the picture shows you that it's been raining for three months.

I asked Paul for a current picture of Jonathan - so here he is, two months old. All these pictures were taken about 10 days ago.

Tomorrow, Hama and Sarata are starting school! That's such an exciting day! I wished I was there with them! Please pray for them - especially Hama. Pray he'll be able to work with the teacher and make progress. Pray also that the tuition for the two will come in.

Triplets Looking For Home

On Friday, I received an email from a Christian hospital in the south of Mali. Triplets (girls) were born August 4th, and the Mom died at childbirth. There is no father, and now the girls are all alone in the world. The hospital is looking for a Malian Christian family to adopt them.

The rest of the day I could not stop thinking about these girls, thinking of names, and praying for them. I then wrote the hospital, telling them we'd take them if they can't find a good family for them. Please pray for them, and the right family to be found. Taking in baby triplets would definitely be a challenge for us.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Supernatural Conference

This is the third day of the supernatural conference, and I still haven't written a blog. One reason is the full schedule and the tiredness. I try to take naps between sessions to make it through the next one. So far I haven't been too successful though, never able to keep my eyes open during the evening session.

The conference has been wonderful. Stacey Campbell and Jill Austin both did one session. Georgian Banov as well. Jason Westerfield and Joshua Mills (see picture) are both doing two sessions, and have done one so far. David Hogan did two sessions, and so does Patricia Kings.

The teachings have been great, reminding us also about the importance of holiness and integrity and righteousness, especially after the devastating news that Todd Bentley has separated from his wife. Patricia King (the organizer) had great words of wisdom to say about this whole situation, and God used it to call the conference attendees to repent and get rid of their stuff.

David shared some great stories and reminded us of what we are called to be and do. Jason reminded us of the power of the cross, and Joshua of the power of the blood.

Worship times have been absolutely awesome! A lot of prophetic worship, with JoAnn McFatter and Julie Meyer on the worship team. They have this man dancing with flags, and it's beautiful. They also have an artist on stage doing prophetic paintings during worship.

Jill was only here for a day, and it was great to see her again. I only got to talk to her briefly one time.

I talked to Georgian briefly, after a short email exchange a few weeks ago, since we have a common friend.

I was scheduled to meet with someone from Joshua's staff, since I invited him to come to Mali for our GLORY conference in November 2009, and they are very interested. I talked to the lady today, telling her a little about our planned conference. Later in the day, I ran into Joshua's wife Janet and talked to her briefly. At Joshua's book-signing I then talked to Joshua briefly. Their staff person told me they'll be praying about what invitations to take later in the year.


Arizona is a very hot place - but only outside. I've been amazed at seeing all the cactuses everywhere, and they are HUGE! These pictures were taken from our hotel room.

The hotel has a nice swimming pool outside, and we've been taking advantage of it. Every day we've gone down for a quick swim. You see me reading this book, but I actually couldn't concentrate, my mind being totally elsewhere. It's been hard to relax, but it might also be a side-effect of the fast I'm on.

Awesome Glory Night

I wrote the previous paragraphs this afternoon, and now I just came back from the evening session that was the most awesome and glorious of the whole conference so far! I just have to write a few lines about it!

I didn't get to take a nap at all today, which was worrisome, since I have not been able to stay awake the past three evening sessions. However, when God's glory and power comes, all tiredness flees!

The worship was great, and then Joshua Mills came up to minister. The worship team stayed, playing the whole night. Joshua started just after 8 pm, and the meeting lasted until 11:30 pm. And it felt short! Wow!

We were worshiping God, and Joshua was preaching on and off in between, and giving words of knowledge and then ministering to those people. At one time he got the name "Christy", and I was so excited for Christy. There were 4 who all went forward, and they got blasted by Holy Spirit.

I had an ongoing vision all night, and I don't even think it's over yet. I saw myself on this staircase going up into the glory - and much of the time we were singing about going up. I was a few steps up, and it was as if standing at the open door of an airplane. There was nothing in front of me; all I could see was the glory. It was dark (black) and it was dark red. We actually read Moses speaking about the darkness coming upon the mountain, and it was the glory of God.

Not only was it black and red, but it was moving all around. There was a strong wind, and loud rumblings, like thunder. It was intense. Then Joshua said something about you not seeing the steps but taking them by faith. I saw the entry to the glory further up, and the landing in front of it. By faith I stepped into the "nothing", and walked up step by step, for a long time. Then suddenly I was on the landing. I stretched out my arm into the swirling glory in front of me. There was a fear of the Lord, an awe, a terror. As I stretched my arm into it, it was as if it was being covered in gold. Then I walked into it.

Though I have more, I will tell you the rest later, once I've gone through the rest of the vision.

I was in this deep place with God all night, and didn't actually want to leave. Too bad they closed the meeting at 10:30 pm - I was surprised it was that late. I felt somewhat dizzy from having been in that realm of swirling glory for so long.

It's nearly midnight, so this is gonna be a short night. Tomorrow is the last conference day.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

West To Phoenix To Meet God

After less than 3 hours of sleep, I got up and finished packing. It didn't take me long. I was tired, but not that tired. We loaded up Judy's car, and left the house at 5 am. Judy was driving us to the departure point of the shuttle that was gonna take us to the airport in Atlanta, which is a two and a half hour drive without traffic.

However, the company recently moved, and Judy had never been to the new place. We had directions, but couldn't find it, going in circles a few times. Good thing we had left early, but now time was getting short. No one there was picking up the phone so we could ask. Judy stopped at a motel, and asked the receptionist, who had no clue either. However, he got online and found a map, and where it is located. We found it a few minutes later. Their directions hadn't been totally accurate.

We got there just in time! Our bags were moved over to the shuttle - a van - and another couple got in as well. I wasn't actually that tired, and for some reason, was in a talking mood. However, my friend Christy was tired, and after an hour or so we decided to take a nap.

Approaching Atlanta, traffic was heavy, and so it took us nearly 3 hours to get to the airport. But we had plenty of time. We checked in, and went through security, which didn't take long at all. We still had two hours to boarding and decided to have breakfast. We ended up going to TGI Friday's, where we both had a wonderful breakfast. It was the beginning of an exciting adventure! We were both in much anticipation of what God would do in Phoenix!

Unfortunately, we were separated on the plane and couldn't switch seats to sit together. The tiredness started to hit me, but when I saw what movie they were showing on the monitors hanging on the ceiling, I decided to watch it. It was Prince Caspian, the second Narnia movie. I wanted to see what it was look to know whether I should get it for my kids, who loved the first Narnia movie big time. I enjoyed it.

After the movie, we still had an hour to go, and it was high time for nap. Within no time at all we were in Phoenix (see picture), and my nap rudely interrupted. It was half past noon.

We got our bags and went out to the curb to wait for Ami - the friend of a friend - who was so kind to pick us up and take us to the hotel. Her two little daughters were with her. We enjoyed talking to her in the car, and she was so kind to take me to an office shop because I still needed something (that they didn't have). Then we went through a drive-thru before continuing on to the hotel.

She was so sweet, she even gave us a little bag with goodies and a card! We unloaded and said good-bye until Monday.

The hotel was big, seemingly in the middle of the desert, and pretty fancy. We checked in, and they carried our bags up to the room. That included all the packages Ami had graciously collected for me, since this is my last stop out of the country.

It was already nearly 3 pm, which was the time registration started. So went downstairs right away to register. We waited in line for that, and were shocked to find out that people were already lining up for the 7 pm meeting! Wow! That's hunger for God! But at the same time we realized there wouldn't be an afternoon of rest and taking a nap after all.

We went back upstairs and only had little time before it was 5 pm - the time we decided to start lining up. I let Christy take a nap, and went downstairs, sitting down in the line. This picture shows some people standing, some sitting, as we're waiting for 6 pm, when they opened the doors.

Christy joined me just before they opened the doors, even though she couldn't get in yet. I was in the line for ministry partners and pastors, who they let in 15 minutes earlier than the rest. When they opened the doors, some people were actually RUNNING down the aisles for a good seat! They had a few rows cordoned off for pastors, and I got us two seats right by the aisle.

I went back upstairs, determined to take a nap, since I was very tired by then. However, time was short, and I had a friend calling me (which was great), so it didn't work out.

At 7 pm we went downstairs for the beginning of the conference. Stacey Campbell was the speaker. The worship time was really awesome - and it was only the first night! 90 minutes into the meeting Stacey came up to preach. Christy was tired and went to our room to go to bed. I was tired too, but held the fort.

It was a good meeting. Stacey did an altar call in the end, and watching Jill from afar, I knew this was the time to say hello since she was getting ready to leave. It was great to see her again and talk for a few minutes. She's doing the morning session tomorrow, and asked me to pray for her.

I then also went upstairs, and went to bed at about 11 pm - that's 2 am the time zone we came from. It took me a while to fall asleep.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Last Day In Augusta

After a few hours of sleep I got up at 7:30, so we could leave the house at 8 am. I was too tired to speak, and so we drove silently. Judy went to do some errands, while I got myself a cup of tea and waited for the two guys I was meeting with.

The two businessmen came, and we had a good one-hour meeting, talking about what the next step to do is, to get some products out of Mali and sell them in the US.

We ran some errands, and then we drove to the house of the pastor at whose church I ministered last Sunday. It was great to spend some time with the pastor's wife and her children, and eat a homemade meal.


Then Judy dropped me off at Judd & Marsha's house for an afternoon of relaxation. The first thing I did was to lie down for a nap - a much needed hour of sleep. Time was passing fast. We had an early dinner - another great homemade meal - and then we went out on the lake again, like last week. We only had about 20 minutes, but it was wonderful 20 minutes of speed, nature, wind, and a sense of freedom and carefreeness.

Then it was time to leave for another heart's wish of mine - going to the movie theater. There were two movies I wanted to see, and we went to watch the latest batman movie. After the theater, we picked up last Sunday's message on CD at the church, and then they dropped me off at home just before 10 pm. I'd had a wonderful afternoon with my friends.

It was already late, and I had plenty of work to do before leaving the house and city at 5 am. Would I get to go to bed? Thank God, I did. It was close to 2 am when I did.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Day Of Filming & Business

Having gone to bed far too late (that will help as I go back to the West coast on Wednesday), I was pretty tired when my alarm clock woke me. Since Judy was busy, Marsha - who was just healed of 5 years of daily headaches after I prayed for her - came to pick me up and drive me to the church offices of Peter & Judy's church. The youth pastor had the task of interviewing me on camera, so that they could show it on Sunday in the service, since I was unable to personally go to their church. We had a great time, and he also asked me a few questions for their youth campaign they're just starting, filming it to use there.

We left the church offices just after noon, and though time was short, went to RED ROBIN - a hamburger restaurant I had not been to yet, to my knowledge. I enjoyed the time of fellowship, though we had to rush out of there pretty quickly, so I could get to my 1 pm appointment.

We got there 15 minutes late, and Marsha left me there, with Judy already waiting for me. We went inside to talk to this Christian couple with both of them being accountants, who were gonna give us some advice in terms of accounting for the newly formed ministry. They did say some good things, though I didn't feel like it made much of a difference. They are very kind people, though.

From there Judy and I went back to our lawyer for another appointment, to go through the LONG form for the IRS to apply for tax-exempt status. It actually took us nearly 2 hours, and we did make quite some progress. I do have more work to do that only I can do - hopefully tomorrow.

Just as we were wrapping up at the lawyer's office, I got a phone call. That in itself is rare, as I rarely get calls. To my greatest surprise it was the local TV station. We had gone there last Thursday, and the host told me to call her on Friday, but I just couldn't get through to her. This morning I left another message - my last one, I decided. And now the program manager (or whatever) called me back! He said I was on tonight and should be at the station at 7:30 pm. Praise God! I was excited!

It was going on 5 pm when we got back home, and I was very tired. Working on the IRS form was very tiring. I really wanted to take a nap before going to the TV station, but it just never came to that. I took care of a few emails, and put worship music on, and at least lay on my bed praying for some time. Just after 7 pm we left the house to drive to the TV station. Peter and Judy were with me.

We got there just in time, and then had to wait. Dorothy - the owner and founder - showed up a few minutes later. I can tell that she really loves me; I love her heart. She greeted me and went to her office. I signed a paper, and as 8 pm approached, they put the mic on me and I sat down on the couch. Dorothy had actually succeeded in getting me on the show. Last week she had said their schedule is full for several weeks, but she would try to reschedule someone. Well, she gave me half the program - one hour - so that the originally scheduled people only had one hour instead of two. I felt bad for them.

I was on their program in January for the first time, where I'd had half an hour. Contrary to last time, Dorothy's husband was also present this time to interview me. They started off asking me all kinds of questions. It threw me off, when Russell asked me to share the gospel in French with the viewers, and pray a prayer of salvation with them in French. I don't think I did a very good job

There were about three breaks when people did a song, and during one, Dorothy asked me whether I have pictures. I reminded her that I had given her a DVD last Thursday. She said to get it out, handed it over to a tech person, and told her to put it on. Even though it was 10 minutes long, and they had not seen it yet, they were gonna air the whole thing! Wow!

Even before the video came on, Dorothy opened her Bible and read a passage about God blessing those who give to the poor, and then she told people to call in and give to H2TNI. Wow! Though they have a need themselves as a TV station, they told people to call, saying they don't actually do this for their guests, but tonight they would. Wow! What favor! (Most) everywhere I go, I see favor that blows me away!

Later in the program, they read a few donations that had come in - $10, $25, $100, and one where the donor had not wanted to be mentioned. Tomorrow, Judy is gonna stop by and pick up a check as well as the DVD of the show, so that I can put it up on the website again for people to watch.

Peter and Judy really enjoyed it, as did two other people who I have already heard from. I wasn't quite as happy with it as in January.

It was 9 pm when we left to drive home. I had dinner, and then we did a little more work on the architectural plans. Now it's midnight, and time to go to bed earlier for once. I have a 8:15 am appointment in the morning. That's gonna be hard!

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Preaching In Augusta

I set my alarm for an early time, so I would have time to spend with God before going to the church to minister. Since I've been getting up late, trying to stay on West Coast time, I had somewhat of a hard time, being rather tired.

We left the house at 9:30 am, since the service started at 10 am. We got there 20 minutes early, and only few were already there. My friend Christy was arriving at the same time as us. All I had to do was to set up the DVDs and flyers in the back of the room, since Judd had already taken care of the video setup. I saw the pastor's wife, and then the pastor, and it was good to see them again. Judd & Marsha - who had first introduced me to their church - were also there, and I sat with them in the second row (see picture).

They started the service at 10, and went for about 50 minutes. Their worship style was very different from what I'm used to in style, choice of songs, and with frequent interruptions. Still, I just knelt down at one point, to give myself to HIM and enjoy His sweet presence. However, I couldn't stay there for long.

I was surprised when it was already over and time to come up. They took an offering, and encouraged people to give to me and Mali. The pastor held his little daughter in his arms while speaking, which was precious to watch.

We then watched my video presentation, and then I came up to speak. I first gave a little update to the video, sharing about the construction progress and money we need at this point. Then I shared about the villages, and the healings we see, giving a few healing testimonies. I then asked Marsha to share her testimony.

Last Thursday night she asked me to pray for her healing. I did, and she was healed of five years of daily migraines or headaches. She hasn't had one since! Praise God! Isn't He awesome?

I wanted the people's faith to rise, getting ready to pray for their healing. For some reason, I felt it was all going a little tough, my talking, but God was there. I had those needing healing stand to their feet, and at first they hesitated, but then about a dozen stood up. I started praying, and commanding sickness to flee bodies, commanding bodies to lign up with God's will and be restored. Then I asked people to check.

One lady had sprained her ankle and was unable to put any weight on it. She was healed, putting her full weight on her foot. Praise God!

The pastor's wife had not even stood up, but her sinuses had cleared up. Hallelujah!

I then prayed again - a few precious moments with Him - before starting to preach. I read my passage - Matthew 9:35 to the end - and spoke what was on my heart. Jesus having compassion on the lost, Him asking us to pray for workers, and then Him sending us out to do the stuff. I also shared about Isaiah 6, and while I did, God gave me revelation.

I realized that (1) Isaiah saw God's glory, (2) he saw himself, repented, got his act cleaned up, (3) he could then hear God's voice, (4) he could respond and was sent. I shared with them how God broke my heart for unreached peoples as a new believer, and how I prayed Isaiah's prayer. I shared how my heart breaks over the kids sleeping in the rain.

That's just a little snapshot. The mp3 will be up on the AUDIO page in the days to come. People loved it, though I did feel like it was somewhat hard-going to preach. I have done better.

In the end, I knelt down on the floor and prayed. I made an altar call for those who wanted me to pray for more of God's heart for them. Several people came forward.

The lady with the healed ankle is also diabetic, and I commanded diabetes to leave her body. I'm curious to hear the report.

Another lady shared how when we prayed earlier, the pain in her hip left. She already had an appointment for an x-ray. She also said that she has degenerative disks and could feel heat and some "action" there. And she said she had about 50 physical conditions. I asked if I could pray more, and she said yes. As I prayed, the heat just increased big time. I could feel my hands burning, and she also felt the intense heat. Praise God!

Another lady had tears running down her face, as the Lord ministered His Father's love to the depths of her heart, as I spoke what I saw from Him, and He brought healing to her.

Another lady also had tears running down as she shared the struggles of her life, and then God ministered to her.

How precious God's people are! What an honor to be His hands and feet and mouth and heart! I love it!

I was so excited to see so many physical healings, as well as healings of the heart.

Several people came up to me to talk to me, and I felt very blessed. One couple wanted to take me out to eat, and I gladly said yes. I talked to the pastor, who said he had enjoyed it, and then he told me someone in the congregation wants to give me $10,000. Wow! I was blown away! Amazing!

I went to Applebee's (my favorite restaurant) with that precious couple from the church, and had a great time with them. They are of Dutch and Indian origin, and would love to somehow contribute.

More Work

Back home, the first thing to do was take a nap. I was really tired, and slept for a much-needed hour. I felt much better afterwards, ready to go back to work.

But first, Peter & Judy watched my ordination. Then the three of us sat down together and started working our way through the IRS form to apply for tax-exempt status. It was slow-going, and with seemingly more questions than answers. What in the world did they want to know with this or that question? We wrote down all the questions for the lawyer.

Hours later, we had kind of made our way through, and Peter & Judy were ready for bed. I was now awake, and ready for work. I work best at night!

So I got Peter's computer out, with his architectural software, and started putting in our business/workshop corner the way my latest design is. It's not a high priority, but I wanted the whole compound to be as accurate as possible. I will have that updated plan up on the website in the days to come. Check out my design for the first floor of the big building - I'm pretty "proud" of it, that nothing was changed by our professional architect.

I worked late, and once again went to bed after 2 am. But it sure was worth it! What a day!

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Busy Work Day

When I got up in the morning, Anita and her friend were about to go out to Krispy Creme's to pick up donuts. They had discovered it yesterday, and told me, it's a must-have. Okay! Another cultural experience! I debated whether to join them in light of the work needing to get done, and decided to go. Peter & Judy had spent the night at the neighbor's house and weren't back yet.

We drove over there, and picked up some donuts, and then stopped at Starbucks. Looks like I've become an American now! ;-)

When we got back to the house, Peter & Judy were back, and we got ready to get to work.

A few days ago I had designed the first floor of our main building (sanctuary, offices, medical center), but I hadn't had a chance yet to show and explain it to Peter. He was impressed, and actually accepted my design. Wow! We worked a little more on it, and made a list of questions to ask Kossi, our builder. I had sent him a text message in advance, telling him we'd call him to ask questions, and so he was on our compound, ready to get to the computer and skype.

The three of us had a fruitful time, and we learned some more useful details. It looks like this big 3-level building will take more work in every way. The Malian architect will have to come into play again, as well as a structural engineer and a government office. When I get back, we'll take the plans to the architect, so he can finalize them, print them out, and get everything ready to start construction. Hopefully in January.

I then talked a little with Paul, since it had been a while. He informed me that our DVD player has died, and that Emma was doing maintenance on the car. Other than that, everything is going well. Unfortunately he couldn't figure out how to transfer the latest photos over to me.

At 2 pm we had our follow-up board meeting - on skype again. Only one board member was missing, which was great. Peter brought up several subjects that we discussed. Anita - our secretary - was diligently taking notes, and Judy (treasurer) was also present. This time I didn't forget to take a picture.

After the board meeting, we did some more administrative work, until Anita told me they had to leave and return to Florida. She left with some work to do for H2TNI. It was sad to see her leave already. I wished she could have stayed the whole weekend.

l kept working until 6:30 pm when we had dinner. The Mali info meeting, plus Peter & Judy's travel report (Cambodia & Thailand), was scheduled for 7 pm. When noone showed up, we were all starting to rejoice - I needed time alone with God to get ready for the service tomorrow, and Peter was tired. However, two sets of people showed up 10 minutes later, and so the evening was on.

I wasn't really keen on this meeting at all, and was really tired as well. I had only slept four and a half hours last night (not on purpose), and hadn't slept well. It was still interesting to see their pictures, and then we put my presentation in. I wasn't in a mood to share stories but did my best to give the minimum to the two ladies.

Everyone left, and I finally had time alone with God (besides the one hour I had had in the afternoon). I then had an "unexpectedly great" time with my precious, wonderful Bridegroom, enjoying His presence, and watching what the Father was doing tomorrow morning. I felt I should pray for physical healing, and asked the pastor's wife by email whether that was okay. I got her green light. I went to bed with excitement and anticipation of what God was about to do in the morning!

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Friday, August 8, 2008

08-08-08 New Beginnings

What a historic day! Today is the day H2TNI had its first board meeting - the constitutional board meeting.

My new friend Anita drove up from Florida - a 4+ hour drive - to be here for the board meeting, since she's taking on an important role helping with administrative work for H2TNI. She and her friend arrived after 1 pm, and we went to a fast food place to eat together. We had a great time together. Then we headed over to the lawyer's office.

Peter was already there, and I set up my computer for the skype conference. The lawyer Sue was also there. I then called the board members on skype - it's the first time I've done a conference call like that, and I was even able to add people who were on a phone. One person we lost right away, and one I had been unable to reach for days, and she was not with us. But everyone else was, and that was exciting. The board meeting took a lot longer than expected, but it was good. Anita was elected secretary, and then joined us in the conference room. We discussed a few more things - there's still much work ahead in the days to come before I leave Augusta on Wednesday.

It was 5:30, and Peter had to go to a meeting with his wife. So I stayed with Anita and her friend, and we went back to the house, where we hung out until nearly 8 pm, when we left to go out to eat. We went to a steak place, and a had a good time of food and fellowship. Back home, we half watched the beginning of the Olympic games, half doing other stuff.

If I'm wise, I'm going to bed early tonight, because we have much to get done tomorrow. And I'm preaching Sunday morning, so I should adapt to the this time zone, though I'm going back to the West coast on Wednesday.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Few Precious Minutes

I set my alarm, but then plans changed, and I didn't need to go anywhere. Well, I was already up.

I took advantage of finally having a few hours, and still time just flew by, doing emails and taking care of a few things. At 2:30 pm we left to go to an appointment with the lawyer to find out some more information before the board meeting tomorrow. It was a good meeting. The lawyer is a very nice lady, who has known Peter & Judy (my hosts) for quite some time. I think they were in the same Bible study group at one time.

From the lawyer, we went to a lady who is friends with Judy and who loves me and wanted to see me. We spent an hour at her house, which was great. Then we went straight to our appointment with Judd & Marsha, more friends of theirs and mine.

They have a beautiful house right on a beautiful lake, and Judd was grilling fish. He's on the right, Peter on the left. We had dinner, and then we went for a boat ride in their motor boat.

It was so wonderful! I was sitting in the front of the boat, enjoying the wind, the speed, and the coastline flying by. It was one of the most restful things I've done in many months, if not years. I wished we could have just gone on and on, and I could just have been silent with God!

It was somewhat nostalgic, as I was saved at a lake like this 15 years ago. It was balm to my soul, being on that lake. I wished I could just go out there by myself and sit in the middle in the lake alone with God! I thanked the Lord for the few minutes out there.

We went back to shore, and spent a little more time talking, before it was time to go home.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sharing In Georgia

I kind of would like to stay on Californian time, since I'm going back to that time zone next week, but I guess that's not gonna be possible. I set my alarm for 10 am this morning. I knew we had to leave at 11:30 am, to go to a noon prayer meeting at my hosts' church.

We got there at noon, and it was great to see the pastor again. The prayer meeting was one hour long, and in total, we were 6 people. Everything's too short notice with them, but they're sending out an email to invite people from the church to come to our house Saturday night to get an update on what's happening in Mali.

After the meeting, we went to Peter's workplace, where I had a chance to talk to his boss for a few minutes, who's been very supportive.

Then Judy had some errands to do. She dropped me off at Walmart, where I got some important items, then she took me to a coffee shop with wi-fi to run other errands. We got back home just before 4 pm, and I was ready for a nap. I was glad I got one hour of sleep, before having to get ready for tonight's meeting.

We left at 6 pm, Peter and his daughter Christy, who is a good friend, and Peter's wife babysitted her grandchild. We got to church early, and the tech guys got everything set up for my presentation. We talked to a few people, and I found out that I was gonna share with the kids again, before talking to the adults.

I love speaking to kids, and had a great time with them. I talked to them about the kids in Mali, and told them about the street children sleeping in the rain right now. To my great surprise, they didn't have many questions, though they had been listening attentively.

I went into the sanctuary, where worship was going on, and sat down in the front near the pastor. Only a few minutes remained for me to raise my arms to my Beloved and love on Him. Then the pastor came up, and introduced me and Peter. Peter (our architect) came up, saying a few introductory words, and then they showed my video presentation. The sanctuary was pretty full, maybe two thirds, about 200, I'd say.

After the video, I came up, and started sharing the two main issues on my heart - workers and finances, i.e. we need help to disciple villages, and the kids are sleeping in the rain because we can't finish the dining hall. I was done within the time frame I had been given, when the pastor came up. He told me, he'd never done that before, give someone more time than initially accorded, but he wanted me to answer two more questions, and so I did.

Then he came up, and did a 10 minute teaching God had put on his heart for tonight. After that, they took an offering for me, and then they prayed for me.

People had loved my presentation, and many came up to say hello, and thank you, and that they are impressed. All glory goes to Him!

One interesting contact was some people working with an organization and going to Senegal a lot, and they have people in Mali as well. They want to connect me with some of their people, and see if there can be any cooperation.

The pastor told me he wished he'd known earlier I'd come to town, so who knows what I could have done here.

After the meeting, Peter told me that they have a friend who is on the program of the local TV station tonight - the one I was on in January. Judy and I had been trying to make contact, since the founder and host Dorothy had told me in January to come back on when I'm back in town. So I asked Peter if we couldn't just drive over there - and we did. We sat in the studio for the last 20 minutes. When it was over, Peter said hello to his friend, and I talked to Dorothy. She said they were booked, but she'd make some calls tomorrow to try to reschedule someone else and get me on the program. Let's pray it works out!

It was nearly 11 pm before we got home, and it's late again as I go to bed. But it was a fruitful day.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friends, Mali & Architecture

I got up very late, catching up on much-needed sleep. I then talked to Paul and the guys in Mali for quite some time, including our builder Kossi. He informed me that prices have shot up again, and that the money I sent was not sufficient to put in windows and doors. Great! Now we'll have a roof, but the rain will come in through the openings! Maybe we can put plastic over them. Kossi also told me we'll need more money than we thought to finish the dining hall, namely $19,000.

Paul also told me that rice prices have shot up a lot these past two weeks. Now a 50 kilo bag of rice costs $51. It was $28 in the beginning of the year.

I talked to Saloum and Fousseni - they had a great time during their 3-week YWAM outreach, and I can't wait to find out more.

I did the accounting for July with Paul, and then I looked over the finances of the year, also in light of our first board meeting on Friday, and doing the maths, I found out that the average monthly expenses have been $5,600. Wow - that's a lot more than I thought we're spending. That amount doesn't include construction costs or the money we receive for the child sponsorships.

It was time for lunch, and my friend Christy had come over with her baby. I spent the afternoon with her, and then I had a little time to get some things done before it was time for dinner. It was only at 9 pm that Peter and I started working on the architectural plans. We realized the first floor of our three-story-building has to be redesigned entirely (except for the medical center), but there wasn't any more time. So Peter showed me how to use the architectural software, and I sat down to let the creative, divinely inspired, juices flow and design our sanctuary and offices section. I had so much fun, and loved what I came up with! I can't wait to show you what it looks like now! It was 1 am, before I was done, and then I stayed up another two hours.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

From California To Georgia

After a very short night, I got up just after 6 am, and finished packing. I moved my two bags and backpack outside the house, and waited for my ride to the airport. The husband of a lady working for HIM was so kind to take me. I had never met him before, and so we had a great time talking. He works for the ex-wife of a famous Hollywood actor, working with that actor's son, so that was pretty cooourl to hear.

We left the house at 6:30 am, and got to the airport an hour later. There was a lot of traffic at LAX. I was praying for favor at the check-in, as Delta made me pay for my second bag last time (though I'm a gold member), and my bags were heavy. They get more and more restrictive these days.

Soon it was my turn, and the lady looked my flight up on the computer. However, something was wrong, and so she kept searching around, until she finally found what she was looking for. She said it said I should pay for my second bag, and she couldn't understand why, since I'm a gold member, and then went with her understanding rather than the computer. Praise God! Then she put the stickers on both my bags, and didn't even look at how heavy they were! They were both over 50 pounds. Now I have one more Delta flight I need to take - I'm praying for favor again, though they were very unfriendly in Atlanta last time.

I got through security quickly, and still had plenty of time. So I got myself a bagel and hot chocolate, and had a great breakfast. I went to my gate, and soon found out that our flight was delayed by half an hour, then 45 minutes, and in the end we left 90 minutes later than planned. I already knew I'd miss my connection in Atlanta, and they gave me a seat on the next flight to Augusta; one of the advantages of being a frequent flyer.

Arriving, we had a one-hour delay, but had to wait for a free gate. Then, just as we were pulling up to the gate, the plane suddenly stopped. A tarmac worker had collapsed in the heat! We stood there for a while, until we had to pull away and find another gate. More and more gathered around the man on the ground, but we never saw the ambulance pulling up.

When I got off the plane, it was 5 minutes after my connecting flight had left. So I had two hours until my next flight, which gave me time to have dinner, and then wait. It was 9:30 pm when I arrived at the small airport in Augusta, eastern Georgia. My friends Peter & Judy were waiting for me, and we drove home.

I was extremely tired, having even a headache because of it, but still, I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, since it's a 3 hour time difference between CA and GA, and I'm not used to going to bed before midnight.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Last Conference Day

When I got to church at 10:15 am, it was already pretty full. It was the pastor's son's ordination, so there were a lot of special guests. Charles Stock did the preaching, and then they talked about the son who was gonna be ordained.

I was a little distracted because the only place for me to get online here in Pasadena has been here at church, and I didn't just download my emails, but had Paul on skype and "talked" to him (typing). Since he is a very slow typer, it was a very slow conversation. I got an update on different things. Saloum and Fousseni have come back from their YWAM outreach - Saloum has malaria, otherwise they're well. I didn't find out any more than that.

The roof has been poured yesterday - it will be dry in three weeks, and ready to be used. Another thing I found out was that our church papers still haven't been deposited - because there are still signatures missing on the list. I asked Paul to take care of that.

I had to leave the service early, because my host wanted to take me out to dinner, and she had gone back home after dropping me off, plus she had an appointment in the afternoon. Together we went to a great restaurant, and had a good time there. She then dropped me off back home, and went to her meeting.

I started packing, and was ready at 4:30 to go back to church for the evening meeting. Unfortunately she didn't come until 5:10. So I spent that time praying that God would reserve me a seat - and he did. It was a very full house tonight, since Cindy Jacobs was here.

I went to the restrooms before going inside for worship, and happened to meet Jill there. So I enjoyed a little more time with her, talking, and walking upstairs together. I'm gonna see her one more time in Phoenix in 10 days.

After worship, Cindy Jacobs prophesied over a lot of people, then she preached a little, before asking people to get ready to have their prayer cloths prayed over. She shared some stories of how people have been healed through those prayer cloths they pray over. She wanted different nations up on the stage, and so I was included. She prayed for those first, and then they'd do a fire tunnel for the rest of the crowd. I ended up on the middle of the stage. Do I need to get used to that? :-)

She prayed over the cloth, and it was powerful. I then had to leave right away, since it's gonna be early tomorrow morning. I called my host to come pick me up, and now I have to log off until I'm in my next city: Augusta, GA.

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Another Great Conference Day

It was hard getting up after a short night. My host had an appointment and needed to drop me off at church early - at 8:45. I had half an hour before the doors would open to the pastors, and I sat down outside, turning my computer on and doing emails. After having gotten my seat, I went downstairs and lay down on one of the couches. I rested for 15 minutes, until they started praying in the hall there.

Peter Wagner did the morning session, finishing up his great teaching. I missed the afternoon session with Robert Stearns, and Cindy Jacobs did the evening session. I love her!

After the morning meeting, we had a 90 minute break, and I went with a friend and some Australian guys to an Italian restaurant. Back at church, I took care of a phone call, talking to a good friend for a long time. Then it was time to meet with Charles Stock, who is coming to Mali next year. I had a great time talking to him, discovering that he has been to Austria several times, has ministered there, and knows a lot of people I know too. Unfortunately his wife only joined us in the end, to quickly pray over me, before they went off to their next appointment.

The afternoon session had just ended, and now I was to meet with Mark Tubbs, the HIM director. My friend from the lunch appointment joined us as well. The four of us (including Mark's wife) went to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert (it was still early). Mark has planted a few hundred churches in East Africa, and I wanted his advice on a few of the issues I'm dealing with. He gave me GREAT input, actually surprising me with his wisdom, discernment, and understanding. He gave me stuff to think about.

Back at church, it was already time for the evening meeting. The sanctuary was already pretty full. I went up to one of the people from HIM and asked if there was possibly a way to sit in the reserved section, since I had only just came in. They put me in the second row, and I sat just behind the pastors! I was really out of my comfort zone sitting so far up front, feeling like I don't fit there. Then I was hoping it was a divine setup, so that Cindy would see me and prophesy over me, but that didn't happen. She prophesied over several people, though.

Since I sat right behind her, she did greet me during worship, giving me a hug, and saying something into my ear. Since the music was so loud, all I heard was "Bamako".

During the offering, something extraordinary happened. They had carried all the baskets to the stage already, when suddenly, dollar bills started raining down onto the stage!!! As if somebody had dropped them down from the ceiling! But there was only the ceiling, no way to do that! Wow!

Since the meeting had started really early, it was also over pretty early, at 8:30 pm. My friend Victoria was there again, and so we went out to eat together, together with a friend of hers. We had a good time, and then they were so kind to drive me home. I got home at 10:30 pm, saying my final good-byes to Victoria.

Winding down, and writing this blog, it's gotten late again - but I'm a night person, after all.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Second Conference Day

Yesterday was a pretty low day for me, as I couldn't find anyone to have fellowship with between the sessions. So I went home after the morning session, and spent the second break before the evening session sitting outside the building.

Today was the total opposite of yesterday. I was blown away by the Lord, totally not expecting it. As for the teachings, they've been fabulous. In fact, the more I'm listening to Lance Wallnau and Peter Wagner (see picture) explaining the seven mountains of culture, and explaining what the kingdom is, and how we are supposed to have dominion, and impact society in every area, the more I'm blown away. I feel like a major paradigm shift is happening in me, and there's so much to chew on, digest, and put into practice. I've already read Cindy Jacob's latest book on all this, and am gonna read Peter Wagner as soon as I get it from Amazon. He's giving some great, practical examples on how to apply it all.

Great Opportunities To Make Mali Known

Today they did the lunch for all the HIM pastors. We all went to the other building for that, where they had set up round tables and a buffet. I always love those luncheons, because you get to connect with people and have great conversations. I was praying to be sitting at a table with the right people, and was rather disappointed. There was only one couple sitting at our table, so we talked.

When everyone was done eating, Mark (the leader of the network) took the microphone and said, he wanted to hear from different people around the world what's happening in their place. I was rather discouraged, and was hoping I wouldn't be called upon. He had person after person share, going from continent to continent - until he called on me. So I got up and shared about the villages turning to the Lord, and gave a construction update, and told everyone that we desperately need workers. It actually turned out well, though I thought of two other things later that I should have said.

After my sharing, he handed the mic to Wesley, who wanted to add something concerning me before answering Mark's question. I was embarrassed as he said several nice things about me, including, "I salute you for what you're doing."

After everyone had shared and the meeting was over, I first talked to the Belgian pastor couple that I had met before, but somehow didn't connect with. Now the wife was all ears, and we had a great conversation and exchanged contact details. Praise God! I need more contacts in the French-speaking world!

Several more people came up to me, just to say a few nice words, take my DVD and flyer an/or give me some money - praise God! I was thankful now that I'd had the opportunity to share.

After the afternoon session, my friend Victoria who's in town for two days came to pick me up and have dinner together. We had a great time, and came back in time to get good seats for the evening session.

In the afternoon, Wesley had alerted me that he was doing the missions offering that night, and he wanted me up on the stage to share in one minute what's happening in Mali. Wow! What an opportunity!

Worship was great, and then it was Wesley's time for the offering. He called up a whole bunch of people, but forgot to call me. I didn't want to be presumptious and stayed in my seat. The plans could have changed after all.

Wesley started interviewing the people from Mongolia and India. Then his eyes fell on me on my seat, and he quickly called me up to the stage, so I joined them. After a few more interviews, it was my turn.

He first asked me where I was from, and so I said, Mali, West Africa. Wesley asked the crowd who knew where that was, and hardly anyone raised their hands. Now, the following people were in the first row: Jill Austin, Robert Stearns, Cindy & Mike Jacobs, and Peter Wagner. Cindy & Mike knew, of course. Then he asked me where I was from originally, and so I said, Vienna, Austria. Something like a WOW went through the crowd. He then asked me how I ended up in Mali, and I told them. He asked about the property given by the government, about the missing roof, and where the kids sleep now, and made me share the story about the police chief, and them sending us kids in the future. People loved it.

We returned to our seats, and they took the offering for HIM missions. HIM started supporting me on a monthly basis a few months ago, so I'm a beneficiary that way.

Che Ahn (the founder and pastor - see picture) then did the meeting, which was good. Towards the end, when he started praying for healing, I went downstairs to go to the restroom. One lady stopped me, telling me what's going on in her life, and asking me to pray for her. While I did, another lady already stood in line. She talked to me, and then I prayed for her, and tears ran down her cheek. Another lady was already waiting to get prayer. All this was happening just outside the restroom door. This lady also needed healing. She had pain because something wasn't right in the middle of her hip, with the pain and cartelage. She was healed - praise God - and God really touched her with His fire. I loved it! No more line, and so I went back into the sanctuary.

Healing testimonies were in progress, and going for some more time. Then Che said he wanted to pray for every person, for impartation, so we started lining up. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long. I received "good prayer", and then called my host telling her I was "ready for pick-up". I waited for her by the side of the road until she came. It was after 10 pm. Now it's nearly 1 am, and I'm gonna have a short night ahead of me, followed by a long day.

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