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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting Lost In A City Of 2 Million People... Not Fun

Tonight dad and I decided we knew our way in Bamako well enough to find the church we've gone to several times, for me to meet someone. Well, we didn't. We were going the right way, and then we missed a turn somewhere and realized 10 minutes later that we were in a part of the city we'd never been before. Luckily, we got back to semi familiar area and stopped to ask some police for directions (the police are at practically every stoplight because people really don't like to follow the rules lol) The guy we asked knew a little bit of english, but not enough to give us good directions soo... we ended up getting a police escort! kinda. He got us to the road that took us pretty much right there, and then went back. Well, we kinda got lost... again. I say kinda, because we realized right away we shouldn't have just gone straight, but when we were turning around someone on a motorbike (there are just as many motorbikes as cars in Bamako) ran into us from behind!! Oh yeah, and then he wanted 10,000 for the 'repairs' for the 'damage' on his bike. wait... 10,000 CFA, which is like 20 dollars. But still, I had the feeling it could have been a little more than an accident on his part because people usually assume that white people have lots of money. Dad kept telling him he wasn't going to give him 10,000 CFA because he was the one who ran into us, but we couldn't just drive away. So dad gave him 5,000 instead and that satisfied him, so we finally got going again. We got to the church without any more 'excitement', I met Mara, went to Hillary's house, and had a relaxing, fun night with the girls. Huh, it's like getting lost in New York City, without an street names or road signs, and people who speak a TOTALLY different language then you. Seriously, I wanted to kiss the ground when we got home, SOOOO happy for a God who's got me in His hand and on His mind.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This morning, I ran on top of the plateau really close to our base. Before we reached the top, we soon had several companions lol. One of the street boys and two dogs walked the whole way up with us and kept Mom company while I ran. While I jogged back after the workout, I heard someone calling my name and saw Adama (one of my favorite street boys that I teach in literacy class:) waving to me down the road. He's probably 11 or 12 and he has the most adorable dimples (they're pretty close to Dylan D's lol). So when I got to him, he ran back with me and we found Mom with the other street boy (sorry, i dont know his name yet). While we walked down they taught me some Bambara, but I'm going to have to check that everything they told me means what they said. Yeah, I've learned they don't always tell me the right words. lol.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dara Village

Yesterday we went to Dara for the second time. We got more mangos :) and the weather was actually really nice. So, during the worship time, when they get up and dance, one of the ladies motioned for Christian to get up and join them. He had this huge grin on his face the whole time he was dancing :) Pretty soon, another lady waved me to get up too. I kinda surprised myself, cause I didn't hesitate when she invited me! lol. But the song ended like 5 seconds later, so I didn't get to be up there very long, but that's my fault for not getting up earlier. Soooo NEXT time we go, I'm gonna get up sooner :)

Today's been hotter, I wouldn't be surprised if it's around 110 huh-huh. But since it's sunny, I got some nice tan time :)

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bambara Beer

This morning, we went out in groups to evangelize for the service later today. I kinda just walk along, and one of the guys invites people who are at their homes to come to the compound at 3:00 for the service. At one ladies house, she invited us in to sit down and I thought we were just going to visit for a little while. So, the boys sat down on a bench and I did too, but the lady brought a chair and motioned for me to sit on it. After I sat down there, she went and got something in a cup and offered it to me. I looked at Jeremie. I wasn't so sure what it was gonna taste like, and I was a little worried lol. He doesn't know a lot of english, but he knew enough to say "Beer, Bambara"... oh boy. I took a sip and thought yup, thats beer. He asked if I was all done, and I said yes, I was done. But then, when they started to get up, I think the lady said that I wasn't done drinking yet and Jeremie kinda nodded, and said 'go ahead, finish'. I tried to take huge gulps to finish quickly, but it burned sooo much going down. I took another 3 or 4 gulps before Jeremie asked if I was finished again. I said, 'Yeah, I'm done', and handed the cup to the lady as I said Merci. I hope that I didn't offend her by not finishing it, yet I'm glad I didn't drink it all. From the time it took to get from her house back to the compound, 3 times I felt this feeling in my stomach that felt like someone lite a match. It doesn't hurt anymore, but hopefully I don't have to drink Bambara Beer again lol.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Bakary's Song

The other morning, I woke up to someone singing lol. Bakary was singing this song that I think he made up, and it'is still stuck in my head. This was how it went:

"How are you, how are you; I'm fine, I'm fine; How are you, how are you; I'm fine, I'm fine." (:

That's the most english I've heard him say at once, so it was soooooo funny to hear it coming from him, instead of the Bambara that still sounds like gibberish to me. And he didn't just sing it a few times, he sang it over and over and over and over... and over and over again. But being that it was Bakary (who's 7 years old) it was cute.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today the internet hasn't been very good. I'm supposed to be doing my school work in the morning when the other kids are at school and there's not really anything else to be done, but without internet thats a little difficult. So i might have to do it at night when the internet's better. But whatever. Yesterday we went to a village called Dara, where Paul preaches. The service was actually really cool, considering we can't understand a word they're saying. For worship, Paul sang a verse and everyone repeated him, and they just repeat the pattern for the whole song I guess. About half-way through the first song, a lady got up and started dancing! (: After a while she sat down, but then another lady got up. Then a few more joined her, and they just danced in a ring. Christian joined them and Paul started dancing too. I got some pics that are going on here, but i wish i'd gotten a video. Oh well, I have a year to get lots of videos (:

So, last night we played Uno with the kids again. They are SO funny when they really get into the game. lol. and they play with more rules that make it way better then regular Uno. If a red 7 is played, anyone who talks until the next person plays has to draw a card. If someone plays a 9 on top of another 9, the last person to put their hand on the pile has to draw a card. There's a bunch more rules, but those are my favorite (:

Well, if anyone wants to learn Bambara, I'll put a few words in each of my notes. So, "cambe" means "see you later"; "baba" means "dad/father" and "amustou" means "have fun" (:

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well, today was pretty good. Christian took Dad and I up the rock hill that's really close to the compound and we had a pretty long hike. I'm glad I wore a tank top cause I might as well get some tan if I have to be in the sun lol. When we got close to the top he showed us where the water flows down and makes pools and a waterfall during the rainy season, which is coming up. Then at the very top of that hill, it flattens out and... I have a place to run! :) It's going to be reALLy hot and humid during the rainy season, but I'll probably run 2-3 times a week so I can get used to it. :)

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